
Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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The Enemies of Liberalism Are Showing Us What It Really Means

Liberalism needs a healthier relationship to time. Can the past become a foreign country without those who still live there being turned into foreigners in their own land? If the future is to be unmapped, then how do we persuade those who fear it, or mistrust us, to agree to venture into its wilds?

3 April 2022
Ezra Klein

Putin Knows What He’s Doing With Ukraine’s Refugees. This Is the World’s Big Test.

As the world enters a period of greater instability, its leaders can no longer ignore the need for a coordinated and humane response to all of those fleeing war and other desperate circumstances.

1 April 2022
The Editorial Board

Why Democracy Stalled in the Middle East

Any effort to promote democracy must take into account citizens’ aspirations for economic dignity. Appeals to abstract notions alone will not be persuasive. Arabs crave freedom and justice—but if democracy does not also deliver bread, Arabs will back political systems that do.

1 April 2022
Amaney A. Jamal and Michael Robbins

Why The World Needs China To Be Pragmatic Again

To pragmatists in Beijing, brokering peace in Ukraine presents a rare opportunity for China to repair its deteriorating relationship with the U.S. and Europe.

30 March 2022
Yuen Yuen Ang

For India, Putin’s War Starts to Look Like a Gift

From cheap Russian oil to sudden overtures from China, India’s neutral stance on Ukraine has many benefits.

30 March 2022
C. Raja Mohan

Putin and the Myths of Western Decadence

He next time something like this happens, America might not lead an effective alliance of democracies, because we ourselves will have given up on democratic values.

28 March 2022
Paul Krugman

Putin Is Just Following the Manual

No one can read Vladimir Putin’s mind. But we can read the book that foretells the Russian leader’s imperialist foreign policy. Mikhail Yuriev’s 2006 utopian novel, The Third Empire: Russia as It Ought to Be, anticipates—with astonishing precision—Russia’s strategy of hybrid war and its recent military campaigns.

26 March 2022
Dina Khapaeva

War Is The Child Of Siloed Rivals

It should not be so surprising that the first major war in Europe in nearly 80 years has followed so soon along the path toward deglobalization and the decoupling of interdependence sparked by the populist backlash in the West and the rise of autocratic nationalism in Russia and China

25 March 2022
Nathan Gardels

Climate Justice Requires Women's Leadership

Only a third of leadership positions in climate-change negotiations are held by women, even though women are the most vulnerable to the worst effects of global warming. Absent the active participation of women and girls in local, national, and global climate strategies, a carbon-neutral future will remain out of reach

24 March 2022
Laura Chinchilla, Maria F. Espinosa
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