Library of democratic content

Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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I Used to Think the Remedy for Bad Speech Was More Speech. Not Anymore.

“Cyber-libertarianism, the ethos of the internet with roots in 18th-century debate about the free market of ideas, has failed us miserably. Well after the pandemic is over, the infodemic will rage on — so long as it pays to lie, distort and misinform” (Timothy Egan, 2021).

2 April 2021
Timothy Egan
The New York Times

A Just Climate Transition for Africa

“​In 2021, developed countries must work with low-income, developing, and emerging economies to chart a path toward a low-carbon future – and clear barriers to progress. This means, first and foremost, delivering the funding they promised” (Ikeazor 2021).

1 April 2021
Sharon Ikeazor
Project Syndicate

There Are No Borders in a Climate Crisis

“The “crisis” at the border is dominating the news...this might also be a moment for thinking about what globalism means in a world where borders ultimately can’t offer protection against the most serious threats” (Bill McKibben, 2021).

31 March 2021
Bill McKibben
The New Yorker

The Fight Against Misinformation Isn’t Just on Facebook

“The plague of usually blamed on social media. But false and damaging information” is “also abundant in broadcast media, and as politicians debate whether or how to regulate technology companies, they should also consider creating systems to address the dangers implicit in allowing and enabling the spread of misinformation, wherever it’s published” (Ashford 2021).

29 March 2021
Nicholas A. Ashford
The New York Times

Britain thinks it has won the gender equality war. That's a bad sign

“The British seem to have relegated gender inequality to the consigned-to-the-past category, with only 23% of those surveyed considering it a top concern. In this the British are an anomaly, diverging clearly from other European countries and sitting closer to nations such as China, where respondents posted similarly low levels of concern about female inequality” (Nesrine Malik, 2021).

28 March 2021
Nesrine Malik
The Guardian

Capitalism won't save us from Covid, no matter what Boris Johnson might think

“Boris Johnson has attributed the UK’s vaccine success to “capitalism” and “greed”. Though these were crude remarks, if the prime minister’s words are any indication of his vision for how the UK can recover from the pandemic, there are worrying implications for the country’s policies at home and abroad” (Mariana Mazzucato, 2021).

27 March 2021
Mariana Mazzucato
The Guardian

The Illiberal Tide

“The “liberal international order” is under severe strain. Although its supporters welcomed the defeat of former U.S. President Donald Trump, the order still faces major challenges from both within and without” (Cooley and Nexon, 2021).

26 March 2021
Alexander Cooley and Daniel H. Nexon
Foreign Affairs

An Unusually Optimistic Conversation with Bernie Sanders

“But Sanders’s two presidential campaigns are part of the reason that the Democratic Party had moved, and the politics of the moment had changed. And so I’ve wondered what Sanders makes of this moment. Is it a triumph? A disappointment? A beginning?” (The Ezra Klein Show, 2021).

23 March 2021
Ezra Klein
The New York Times

A Global Green Deal

“By strengthening its emissions-reduction targets and investing heavily in clean energy, greentech, and research and development, the European Union has positioned itself as a global climate leader. It now must continue to lead by example while also doing more to help others achieve their climate ambitions” (Ursula Von Der Leyen and Werner Hoyer, 2021).

22 March 2021
Ursula Von Der Leyen, Werner Hoyer
Project Syndicate

The Fantasy Of Political Intimacy

“Conviction in our ability to find common ground, though, is juxtaposed against the simultaneous feeling it would take brute force, dictatorship or some kind of total miracle to overcome polarization. We feel we must overcome political polarization to make progress on the frighteningly big problems that now confront us all” (Eve Fairbanks, 2021).

18 March 2021
Eve Fairbank
Noema Magazine
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