Library of democratic content

Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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Myanmar’s Coup Was a Chronicle Foretold

“Electoral fraud was not what obstructed Myanmar’s path to democracy. Rather, a partial—and stalled—process of political reform had left long-standing civil-military tensions to fester” (Sebastian Strangio, 2021).

1 February 2021
Sebastian Strangio
Foreign Affairs

Shifting the Balance: Local adaptation, innovation and collaboration during the pandemic and beyond

"Shifting the Balance is an investigation into this new community-powered approach, where people across localities worked together to achieve shared objectives as the Covid-19 crisis unfolded. Based on a series of interviews, workshops, and in-depth case studies, it identifies and explores a host of new practices and partnerships that emerged in the first Covid-19 lockdown" (Kaye and Morgan, 2021).

27 January 2021
Simon Kaye, Charlotte Morgan
New Local

Covid has made inequality even worse. The only answer: squeeze the super-rich

“​​Political economists on both the left and the right are coming to the conclusion that the gap between rich and poor countries, as well as between rich and poor people, is destabilising and dangerous to democracy” (Simon Jenkins, 2021).

26 January 2021
Simon Jenkins
The Guardian

The Intentional Precarity Of Gig Work In America

“​​That feeling of not knowing whether a night’s work will cover your bills is a common one among gig workers in America. Though it’s difficult to count the exact number of gig workers, they make up a growing share of the workforce” (Hillel Aron, 2021).

26 January 2021
Hillel Arron
Noema Magazine

Desperate Times, Desperate Measures

What President Franklin D. Roosevelt knew “-and what those contending with the United States’ contemporary difficulties would do well to remember—was that the biggest mistake one can make in a crisis is not to do too much. It is to not do enough” (Meg Jacobs, 2021).

23 January 2021
Meg Jacobs
Foreign Affairs

The US and China Must Cooperate in Space

“Although the United States and China will likely remain at odds on many issues, President Joe Biden’s administration must also recognize those areas where cooperation is in America’s best interest. Global threats like pandemics and climate change are obvious examples; setting norms for commercial activities in space is another” (Slaughter and Lawrence, 2021).

22 January 2021
Anne- Marie Slaughter, emily Lawrence
Project Syndicate

The End of Liberal Diplomacy

“While Joe Biden is right to reject many aspects of Donald Trump’s toxic presidency, he should avoid throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Only by recognizing the weaknesses of liberal diplomatic norms can the Biden administration advance the innovative, effective diplomacy the world so desperately needs” (Ben-Ami, 2021).

22 January 2021
Shlomo Ben-Ami
Project Syndicate

Agreed-Upon Coercion

“The ongoing resilience of the Chinese Communist Party when so many other such organizations collapsed after the Cold War still puzzles many in the West” and some have called it ‘adaptive authoritarianism’. In this way, both stability and the capacity for change have been able to inhabit the same one-party system, cementing its dominance through performance” (Timothy Egan, 2021).

22 January 2021
Nathan Gardels
Noema Magazine

A President Can Govern in Poetry

“Biden is known for his empathy...but he also has something that leaders from Nelson Mandela to Abraham Lincoln had — a belief in the power of why not? That’s the province of poets, not policy wonks” (Egan 2021).

22 January 2021
Timothy Egan

What is the link between economic crises and political ruptures?

“​​When do economic crises have destabilising political effects?...The question seems pertinent again, given the economic and social trauma caused by the covid-19 pandemic” (The Economist, 2021).

21 January 2021
The Economist
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