Library of democratic content

Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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“Throughout America’s history, the bigotry that fueled Donald Trump’s rise to power has never been far from the surface. Trump’s departure is an opportunity for a new beginning, not only in the deeply-wounded United States, but in multiethnic societies everywhere” (Jeffrey D. Sachs, 2021).

20 January 2021
Jeffrey Sachs
Project Syndicate

France Knows How This Ends

This article compares contemporary politics in the U.S. to the Dreyfus affairs and explains that the deep problem is that “so many in Trump’s mob—like so many of his supporters in general—remain comfortably ensconced in the mansion of lies their champion has built” (James McAuley, 2021).

19 January 2021
James McCauley
The Atlantic

Rotten to the Core?

“The process of deterioration has continued at a startling pace and on a scale that was hard to anticipate back then, culminating in developments such as the January 6 mob attack on the U.S. Capitol—an act of insurrection encouraged by the president of the United States” (Francis Fukuyama, 2021).

18 January 2021
Francis Fukuyama
Foreign Affairs

The Youthful Movement That Made Martin Luther King Jr.

“In this moment made so dark by white nationalism and truth denial, Americans should look to the country’s legacy of young leaders with forward-thinking wisdom” (Rich Benjamin, 2021).

17 January 2021
Rich Benjamin

Political theorists have been worrying about mob rule for 2,000 years

“The invasion of America’s Capitol by mobs of President Donald Trump’s supporters on January 6th was a reminder of the danger of playing with is doubly naive to expect that mobs will set limits; it is in their nature to run out of control” (The Economist, 2021).

16 January 2021
The Economist

Capitalism We Can Believe In

“President-elect Joe Biden’s call to “build back better” after the pandemic is an invitation to renovate America’s outdated neoliberal version of capitalism. The more successful variants of market capitalism found in Europe or, better, in California, point the way forward” (Tyson and Mendonca, 2021).

15 January 2021
Laura Tyson, Lenny Mendonca
Project Syndicate

Trump Has Made America a Laughingstock

“​​There is already an abundance of commentary on the impact of Mr. Trump’s mutiny on American democracy. We can only hope that the attack on Congress was the final battle of the last Civil War, not the beginning of a new one” (Ivan Krastev, 2021).

12 January 2021
Ivan Krastev

Trump Is Blowing Apart the G.O.P. God Bless Him.

“If just a few principled center-right Republicans... abandoned this G.O.P. or were simply willing to work with a center-left Biden team, the Problem Solvers Caucus in the House and like-minded members in the Senate...would become stronger than ever. That’s how we start to dial down the madness coursing through our nation” (Friedman 2021).

12 January 2021
Thomas Friedman

Narendra Modi’s Potemkin Democracy

“India's prime minister has an "edifice complex" that has given rise to grand new government buildings, including a planned new parliament. Sadly, the spirit of deliberation and debate that animated the old parliament building risks being left there” (Shashi Tharoor, 2021).

11 January 2021
Shashi Tharoor
Project Syndicate

Donald Trump’s Costly Legacy

“Donald Trump’s presidency has been a consequential one, but more for its destructive effects than for its achievements. The damage caused by repeated attacks on American democracy, an inept pandemic response, and disruptive foreign-policy decisions will be difficult – if not impossible – to repair anytime soon” (Richard Haass, 2021).

11 January 2021
Richard Haass
Project Syndicate
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