
Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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Bridging the Generational Gap

The political engagement of women, minorities and young people continues to lag in many democracies, but their participation is integral to the resilience of democratic institutions. In an interactive session featuring student representatives from the American College of Greece and the Global Liberal Arts Alliance, we explore why, and uncover possible solutions and strategies for leaders and policy makers.

11 October 2018
Athens Democracy Forum

Democratic Security in Europe and Abroad

11 October 2018
Athens Democracy Forum

Global Conversation

11 October 2018
Athens Democracy Forum

When Technology Collides with Citizenship

Rapid advances in social media, A.I., robotics and other technological innovations have disrupted all facets of society, government and business, for better and for worse. How can these enormous forces be harnessed, and their dangers managed? What is the role of regulation — if any?

11 October 2018
Athens Democracy Forum

Migrants at the Gate

Millions of people fleeing war, hunger and danger

have come to be perceived by many as a threat.

How have some democracies dealt with this


11 October 2018
Athens Democracy Forum

Democracy and the Law

“Law should govern,” declared Aristotle,

proclaiming a fundamental principle of democratic

rule now under threat as illiberal leaders assail

the independence of the courts. What is the

response? What is the role of transnational legal


11 October 2018
Athens Democracy Forum

Freedom on the Net

11 October 2018
Athens Democracy Forum

What is the Business of Business?

Back in the 1970s, Milton Friedman wrote in The

Times that “the business of business is business.”

In a chaotic and hyperconnected world, does

this still ring true? Where do profit and social

responsibility intersect?

11 October 2018
Athens Democracy Forum

The Beginning of the End?

As people around the world ascribe less

importance to living in a democracy, what can

Western liberal democracies do to restore their

own appeal?

11 October 2018
Athens Democracy Forum

The Allure of the Illiberal

In countries around the world, voters have recently rallied around leaders who embrace an authoritarian, nationalistic and separatist worldview and curtail civil freedoms, independent institutions and an open media. What is the allure?

11 October 2018
Athens Democracy Forum
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