Library of democratic content

Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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The Persecution of Ahmed Mansoor

How the United Arab Emirates Silenced its Most Famous Human Rights Activist. (Human Rights Watch, 2021).

27 January 2021
Human Rights Watch

Agreed-Upon Coercion

“The ongoing resilience of the Chinese Communist Party when so many other such organizations collapsed after the Cold War still puzzles many in the West” and some have called it ‘adaptive authoritarianism’. In this way, both stability and the capacity for change have been able to inhabit the same one-party system, cementing its dominance through performance” (Timothy Egan, 2021).

22 January 2021
Nathan Gardels
Noema Magazine

France Knows How This Ends

This article compares contemporary politics in the U.S. to the Dreyfus affairs and explains that the deep problem is that “so many in Trump’s mob—like so many of his supporters in general—remain comfortably ensconced in the mansion of lies their champion has built” (James McAuley, 2021).

19 January 2021
James McCauley
The Atlantic

Rotten to the Core?

“The process of deterioration has continued at a startling pace and on a scale that was hard to anticipate back then, culminating in developments such as the January 6 mob attack on the U.S. Capitol—an act of insurrection encouraged by the president of the United States” (Francis Fukuyama, 2021).

18 January 2021
Francis Fukuyama
Foreign Affairs

Political theorists have been worrying about mob rule for 2,000 years

“The invasion of America’s Capitol by mobs of President Donald Trump’s supporters on January 6th was a reminder of the danger of playing with is doubly naive to expect that mobs will set limits; it is in their nature to run out of control” (The Economist, 2021).

16 January 2021
The Economist

The Insurrection Hiding in Plain Sight

“For several months, millions of people in the United States have been living in an alternate reality—one in which President Donald Trump has been fighting off a coordinated effort to steal the presidency from him and give it to Joe Biden….on Wednesday, January 6, the United States’ alternate reality came into violent conflict with its actual reality” (DiResta and Stamos, 2021).

14 January 2021
Alex Stamos and Renée DiResta
Foreign Affairs

Democracy at Home and Democracy Promotion Abroad Aren’t the Same

“​​Drawing too simple a link between the United States foreign and domestic failings makes fixing them more difficult. Doing so...risks misdiagnosing the pernicious role of racism in American politics. Restoring American democracy while righting its foreign policy requires acknowledging the messy, more troubling relationship between them” (Nick Danforth, 2021).

14 January 2021
Nick Danforth
Foreign Policy

Industrialized Disinformation: 2020 Global Inventory of Organized Social Media Manipulation

This report “highlights the recent trends of computational propaganda across 81 countries and the evolving tools, capacities, strategies, and resources used to manipulate public opinion around the globe. We identify three key trends in this year’s inventory of disinformation activity” (Bradshaw, Bailey, and Howard, 2021).

13 January 2021
Samantha Bradshaw, Hannah Bailey and Philip N. Howard
Oxford Internet Institute

Protecting Democracy in an Age of Disinformation: Lessons from Taiwan

“This report examines Taiwan’s experience in combatting foreign and domestic disinformation” and how “the methods and tools employed by Taiwan’s government to combat disinformation and foreign interference highlight the strengths of its governing institutions but also the emergent challenges other democracies will confront” (Blanchette, Kennedy, Livingston, and Glaser, 2021).

11 January 2021
Jude Blanchette, Scott Kennedy, Scott Livingston, Bonnie S. Glaser
Center for Strategic and International Studies

Demobilising far-right demonstration campaigns: Coercive counter-mobilisation, state social control, and the demobilisation of the Hess Gedenmarksch campaign

This article examines extremism and polarization by looking at a “demonstration campaign demobilisation” that shows how “anti-far-right activists effectively engaged in a sort of kamikaze counter-mobilisation, seeking to shut down far-right events” that “spurred state authorities to act, imposing coercive measures that demobilised the far-right campaign” (Michael C. Zeller (2021)”.

11 January 2021
Michael C. Zeller
CEU Democracy Institute, Center European University
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