
Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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Ukrainian heritage is under threat – and so is the truth about Soviet-era Russia

Shelling is destroying buildings and art, while archivists scan documents around the clock for fear of Russian ‘archivocide’

15 March 2022
Anna Reid

Building a Hub for New Art ‘Under the Shadow of the Acropolis’

Many associate culture in Athens with ruins and ancient artifacts. But the Greek government and several big philanthropic foundations want to put the city on the international contemporary art map.

10 January 2022
Roslyn Sulcas

The Human Factor

How Robert Jervis Reshaped Our Understanding of International Politics

7 January 2022
Thomas J. Christensen and Keren Yarhi-Milo

The Clash of Cultures

Politics nowadays is driven almost entirely by culture wars – zero-sum clashes that feed on tribal identities, fear, and a chaotic confusion of basic terms and ideas. To solve any of today's most pressing problems, we will first need to improve our collective intellectual hygiene.

3 January 2022


Mr. Morello has spent over three decades melding music and political activism as a power guitarist with Rage Against the Machine, Audioslave and Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, with the acoustic chords of the Nightwatchman and in protests around the country.

29 December 2021
Tom Morello

The Faustian Temptation

Whereas Enlightenment thinkers had faith in the linear progress of the human mind, attaining higher states of thinking and behavior may in fact depend in part on extreme events. But this is a far cry from saying that we should deliberately will evil in order to achieve good.

17 December 2021

Overcoming Youth Vulnerabilities to Far-Right Narratives

This brief “discusses the opportunities that strategic communication brings as a tool to counteracting violent narratives and achieving resilience among youth and puts forward a number of lessons learned through the implementation of the Find Another Way communications campaign” (Center for the Study of Democracy, 2021).

11 June 2021
Center for the Study of Democracy
Center for the Study of Democracy

Not Monsters After All: How Political Deliberation Can Build Moral Communities Amidst Deep Difference

“This article proposes a different function for deliberation, which is both more modest but nevertheless critical in public life: the legitimation not of decisions, but of fellow citizens. This outcome is especially important in polarized societies” (Wahl 2021).

11 June 2021
Rachel Wahl
Journal on Deliberative Democracy

Reckoning with Racism: A Challenge for Deliberative Democracy

“This review aims to deepen understanding of both scholars and practitioners about how to reckon with racism in the midst of overlapping and intersecting crises. The works reviewed here extend calls made within deliberative democracy scholarship and activist practice to disrupt harmful patterns of dialogic engagement” (Brooks and Gutterman, 2021).

11 June 2021
Maegan Parker Brooks, David Gutterman
Journal on Deliberative Democracy

A collection of Chinese contemporary art falls prey to politics

"China’s leaders seem sure that innovation can co-exist with authoritarian rule. Their confidence looks more rational than it once did: Chinese firms dominate some high-tech fields. Still, they have to explain a counterpoint: when freedoms increased in China over the past 40 years, greater creativity always followed." (The Economist, 2021)

24 April 2021
The Economist
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