
Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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One Year Later, We Still Have No Plan to Prevent the Next Pandemic

Destroying ecosystems and the environment “ is the only truly sustainable vaccine against the next pandemic. In other words, it’s time that we stop looking for intelligent life on Mars and start manifesting it here on planet earth” (Friedman 2021).

16 March 2021
Thomas L. Friedman
The New York Times

Green Markets Won’t Save Us

“Although markets are uniquely powerful mechanisms for conveying information and altering behavior, they are ultimately social systems that rest on incomplete and ever-shifting foundations. That makes them an unreliable guide for navigating a problem as large and complex as climate change” (Katharina Pistor, 2021).

16 March 2021
Katharina Pistor
Project Syndicate

How the WTO Changed China

“By most accounts...China’s economic model has not turned toward market liberalism since 2001 but instead consolidated into a form of state capitalism that Beijing hopes to export globally. WTO membership...has allowed China access to the American and other global economies without forcing it to truly change its behavior” (Yeling Tan, 2021).

11 March 2021
Yeling Tan
Foreign Affairs

How Economists and Non-Economists Can Get Along

“Understanding the advantages and limitations of economists’ methods clarifies the value they can add to analysis of non-economic questions. Equally important, it underscores how economists’ approach can complement but never replace alternative, often qualitative methods used in other scholarly disciplines” (Dani Rodrick, 2021).

9 March 2021
Dani Rodrik
Project Syndicate

A Golden Age of Local Digital Stars

The success of ECommerce stars “​​is evidence of what may be an evolution away from online services as a homogeneous — and largely American-dominated — global blob. And it shows we may now be on the cusp of a golden age for country-specific or regional digital specialists” (Shira Ovide, 2021).

2 March 2021
Shira Ovide

Evolution, Not Revolution, in Economics

“A growing acceptance of aggressive fiscal policy is supposed to be the first principle of a new, post-revolutionary regime in macroeconomics. But the only genuine conceptual change in the decade since the global financial crisis has come from efforts to explain when and why "unconventional" monetary policy works” (Andrés Velasco, 2021).

26 February 2021
Andres Velasco
Project Syndicate

Growth Is Not Enough

“With an abundance of important and sometimes surprising findings from studies of socioeconomic interventions in recent decades, it is clear that development in the absence of evidence-based policymaking is a fool's errand. The small details matter as much as – and sometimes more than – the economic big picture” (Dhaliwal and Friedlander, 2021).

19 February 2021
Iqbal Dhaliwal, Samantha Friedlander
Project Syndicate

America’s Other Forever War

“Ideally, America would stop besieging weaker nations because it hurts them. Unfortunately, we’re unlikely to stop until it hurts us” (Peter Beinart, 2021).

15 February 2021
Peter Beinart

Foreign Aid Is Having a Reckoning

“This recent push for change mirrors a trend taking place in philanthropy inside the United States: Leaders of American private foundations are increasingly willing to grapple publicly with the fact that organizations run by Black and brown people face far steeper hurdles to funding than white-run organizations do” (NYT Editorial Board, 2021).

13 February 2021
Editorial Board

Emerging Economies Have a New Imperative

“​​The COVID-19 pandemic has forced companies and governments around the world to reconsider long-held assumptions about economic-development strategies. Nowhere is this reckoning more urgent than in export-oriented emerging economies, which now must focus on supply-chain resilience on top of everything else” ( Woetzel and Krishnan, 2021).

11 February 2021
Jonathan Woetzel, Mekala Krishnan
Project Syndicate
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