Library of democratic content

Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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Advancing Universal Representation: A Toolkit

“This report is the first component of a three-part toolkit... informed by CPD, NILC, and Vera’s experiences advancing the universal representation movement. These experiences have been guided by the expertise of advocates, organizers, legal service providers, and policymakers... who have led publicly funded deportation defense efforts” (Berberich et al., 2018).

1 December 2018
Karen Berberich, Annie Chen, Corey Lazar, and Emily Tucker
The Center of Popular Democracy, National Immigration Center, Vera Institute of Justice

What is Our Human Obligation?

As political, economic and social crises test the

underlying foundations of liberal democratic

societies, can art and other forms of creative

expression help to inspire social and political


11 October 2018
Athens Democracy Forum

Bridging the Generational Gap

The political engagement of women, minorities and young people continues to lag in many democracies, but their participation is integral to the resilience of democratic institutions. In an interactive session featuring student representatives from the American College of Greece and the Global Liberal Arts Alliance, we explore why, and uncover possible solutions and strategies for leaders and policy makers.

11 October 2018
Athens Democracy Forum

Migrants at the Gate

Millions of people fleeing war, hunger and danger

have come to be perceived by many as a threat.

How have some democracies dealt with this


11 October 2018
Athens Democracy Forum

Against Identity Politics

Fukuyama explores how “identity politics has become a master concept that explains much of what is going on in global affairs” and how “all over the world, political leaders have mobilized followers around the idea that their dignity has been affronted and must be restored” (Fukuyama, 2018).

11 August 2018
Francis Fukuyama
The Andrea Mitchell Center for the Study of Democracy

This Is How Democracies Die

Levitsky and Ziblatt explore contemporary democratic backsliding and how it differs from the democratic fracturing of the past and takes place at the ballot box, through the co-optation of the media, through declining judicial independence, and increasing threats to the citizenry.

11 January 2018
Steven Levitsky, Daniel Ziblatt
The Andrea Mitchell Center for the Study of Democracy/The Guardian

Migration: The plight of the needy and oppressed

In Europe, the vast influx of refugees from Islamic countries has sparked an often bitter debate about identity and inclusiveness. In the United States, illegal immigrants have become a major issue in the presidential race. Elsewhere around the world, millions of people fleeing repression, violence or poverty have overwhelmed refugee services.

11 October 2016
Athens Democracy Forum

Gap between rich and poor

President Obama described the widening gap between the very rich and everyone else as "the defining challenge of our time."

Is it? Why is it happening? Does it matter? How does it impact on how people are ruled?


11 October 2015
Athens Democracy Forum

Policy Recommendations: Combatting Corruption

"The rise of modern authoritarianism over the past two decades has been accompanied by an expansion in corruption and kleptocracy, which poses a significant threat to democracy around the world" (Freedom House).

Freedom House
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