Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.
Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content. Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.
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Policy Recommendations: Strengthening Democracy
“A growing disregard for the conditions that form the foundations of democracy...threatens to destabilize the democratic order” and “prioritizing a narrow support base at the expense of ensuring fundamental freedoms for all, and neglecting to tie democratic principles to foreign policy, leaves democracies vulnerable” to authoritarianism (Freedom House, 2020).
Power, profits and the pandemic
"Since the onset of the pandemic, large corporations have put profits before workers’ safety, pushed costs down the supply chain and used their political influence to shape policy responses. COVID-19 should be the catalyst for radically reining in corporate power, restructuring business models with purpose and rewarding all those that work with profits, creating an economy for all" (Gneiting, Lusiani, and Tamir, 2020).
Transforming power to put women at the heart of peacebuilding
This discussion paper brings together three regional essays commissioned to explore what needs to happen. The essays illustrate how transformative change rarely comes from within the system; rather, it often comes from outside: from disruption by protest, and from women’s, youth, local and grassroots movements.
Social democracy in the time of the virus
"Rather than worry about a Utopia that lies perpetually beyond the horizon, social democrats should be dedicated to the elimination of present evils and the expansion of practical freedoms" (Coats 2020).
Hidden in Plain Sight: Racism, White Supremacy, and Far-Right Militancy in Law Enforcement
"The government’s response to known connections of law enforcement officers to violent racist and militant groups has been strikingly insufficient" (German, 2020).
Elevating Women Peacebuilders amidst Covid-19
This brief examines womens’ role in peacebuilding and the Women, Peace, and Security agenda highlighting how the participation of women in peace processes is essential to the durability and quality of post-conflict peace in the context of Covid-19 and womens’ leadership during the pandemic" (Yayboke and Abdullah, 2020).
Borders Won't Protect Your Country from Coronavirus
“With limited health resources, widespread poverty, large debt burdens and, in some cases, political instability and conflict, developing countries are the new front line in the pandemic” (Robert E. Rubin and David Miliband, 2020).
Why Do the Rich Have So Much Power?
“Huge disparities in income and wealth translate into comparable disparities in political influence. To see how this works, let’s look at a fairly recent example: the budgetary Grand Bargain that almost happened in 2011” (Paul Krugman, 2020).
We Socialize Bailouts. We Should Socialize Successes, Too.
“Governments have spent trillions on stimulus packages without creating structures — like a citizens’ dividend, which would reward public investment — that turn short-term remedies into the means for an inclusive, sustainable economy. This gets to the heart of what fuels inequality: We socialize risks but privatize rewards” (Mariana Mazzucato, 2020).
Are You Willing to Give Up Your Privilege?
“No chief executive, investor or rich person wakes up in the morning, looks in the mirror, and says, “Today, I want to go out and create more inequality in America.” And yet, all too often, that is exactly what happens” (Darren Walker, 2020).
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