Library of democratic content

Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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Europe Needs a New Fiscal Framework

"Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, the European Union's fiscal rules were excessive and increasingly unworkable, reflecting the motives of distrustful member states more than economic common sense. If there is a silver lining to this crisis, it lies in the opportunity to debate and develop a new blueprint." (Pisani-Ferry, 2021)

29 April 2021
Jean Pisani-Ferry
Project Syndicate

Share the Intellectual Property on COVID-19

"Intellectual Property must serve the global good, rather than humanity serving the interests of a few private companies. And in the case of COVID-19, the global good is not in doubt: rapid worldwide immunization, in order to save lives, prevent the emergence of new variants, and end the pandemic." (Sachs, 2021)

29 April 2021
Jeffrey D. Sachs
Project Syndicate

Is There a War Coming Between China and the U.S.?

“What has made this return of Chinese, Iranian and Russian aggressive nationalism even more dangerous is that, in each country, it is married to state-led industries — particularly military industries — and it’s emerging at a time when America’s democracy is weakening” (Thomas L. Friedman, 2021).

27 April 2021
Thomas L. Friedman
The New York Times

The Forgotten History of the Purging of Chinese from America

"The surge in violence against Asian-Americans is a reminder that America’s present reality reflects its exclusionary past." (Luo, 2021)

22 April 2021
Michael Luo
The New Yorker

The Most Vital 100 Days Since FDR

“Biden’s first hundred days have mattered a great deal, perhaps as much as Roosevelt’s did in fighting the Depression...what the two share in common is the urgent need to show the American people and the world that, amid turmoil accompanied by widespread disillusionment with Washington, government can still work at the most fundamental level” (Michael Hirsh, 2021).

12 April 2021
Michael Hirsh
Foreign Policy

The Importance of Democracy

This article explores “What exactly is meant when people say ‘democracy’? Why is it assumed democracy should be the preferred form of government in the world? How does it compare to other models for political organization?” and the widespread understanding that “democracy is under threat” (Wallace et al., 2021).

11 April 2021
Jon Wallace, Hans Kundnani, Elizabeth Donnelly
Chatham House

The Rise of Insurgent Europeanism

“Civil society in Europe and its attitudes towards the European project have changed dramatically in the past decade of multiple crises. This study mapped, tracked and monitored developments in European civil society from 2018 to 2020, revealing the nature and implications of these changes” (Cooper, Dunin-Wąsowicz, Kaldor, Milanese, Rangelov, 2021).

11 April 2021
Luke Cooper, Roch Dunin-Wąsowicz, Mary Kaldor, Niccolò Milanese, Iavor Rangelov
LSE's foreign policy think tank/ IDEAS

Why the EU’s covid-19 vaccination programme went wrong

“​​It is true that some European countries have high levels of vaccine hesitancy when it comes to adult vaccination and that some suffer from inefficient public institutions. But the fact that all the bloc’s members are doing badly compared with peers elsewhere strongly suggests a shared procurement problem” (The Economist, 2021).

3 April 2021
The Economist

There Are No Borders in a Climate Crisis

“The “crisis” at the border is dominating the news...this might also be a moment for thinking about what globalism means in a world where borders ultimately can’t offer protection against the most serious threats” (Bill McKibben, 2021).

31 March 2021
Bill McKibben
The New Yorker

Britain thinks it has won the gender equality war. That's a bad sign

“The British seem to have relegated gender inequality to the consigned-to-the-past category, with only 23% of those surveyed considering it a top concern. In this the British are an anomaly, diverging clearly from other European countries and sitting closer to nations such as China, where respondents posted similarly low levels of concern about female inequality” (Nesrine Malik, 2021).

28 March 2021
Nesrine Malik
The Guardian
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