Library of democratic content

Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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Reckoning with Racism: A Challenge for Deliberative Democracy

“This review aims to deepen understanding of both scholars and practitioners about how to reckon with racism in the midst of overlapping and intersecting crises. The works reviewed here extend calls made within deliberative democracy scholarship and activist practice to disrupt harmful patterns of dialogic engagement” (Brooks and Gutterman, 2021).

11 June 2021
Maegan Parker Brooks, David Gutterman
Journal on Deliberative Democracy

The Wisdom of Small Crowds: The Case for Using Citizens' Juries to Shape Policy

The article promotes the use of Citizens’ Juries to shape policy, arguing that these Juries serve as a small representation of the public and, along with cynical expertise, can shape better policy and bring together different viewpoints for deliberation.

11 June 2021
Kyle Bozentko, Ashleigh Maciolek, Richard V. Reeves, Hannah Van Drie

Reconsidering Taiwan's Place in the International Order: Lessons from the WHO and ICAO

In this article, Michael Mazza explains that “Taiwan has been excluded from partaking in the conversation about ensuring global public health”, and claims that as a response to this exclusion and that of the ICAO, Taiwan should encourage overhauling the rules-based order from which it has been excluded. (Mazza 2021)

11 June 2021
Michael Mazza
American Enterprise Institute

Biden’s Great Game

“Considered in isolation, some of the Biden administration's recent decisions on sanctions and transatlantic diplomacy may seem overly accommodating. But looming over everything – including Biden's upcoming European tour – is the pursuit of a united Western policy to deal with an increasingly aggressive China” (Krauss 2021).

3 June 2021
Melvyn B. Krauss
Project Syndicate

Obama Explain How America Went From "Yes We Can" to "MAGA"

“​​This is a conversation with Obama about both the successes and failures of his presidency” (The Ezra Klein Show, 2021).

1 June 2021
The Ezra Klein Show
The New York Times

How Young G.O.P. Leaders Sold Out Their Generation

“​​Ms. Stefanik’s rise — and her colleagues’ fall —’s a broader omen for a party struggling to reach a 21st-century electorate...she and other new Trump loyalists in Congress are caught between their party and their generations, stuck between their immediate ambitions and the long-term trends” (Charlotte Atler, 2021).

31 May 2021
Charlotte Alter
The New York Times

Is America’s Democracy Slipping Away?

“​​We are entering a new era of extreme restriction, of white supremacy and white oligarchy, and Republicans are attempting to maintain power by redefining democracy backward.... back to a time when white people had complete control of the halls of power, the levers of industry and the crafting of narrative” (Charles M. Blow, 2021).

30 May 2021
Charles M. Blow
The New York Times

Stop glorifying ‘centrism’. It is an insidious bias favoring an unjust status quo

“The notion of a neutral and moderate middle is a prejudice of people for whom the system is working, against those for whom it’s not” (Rebecca Solnit, 2021).

28 May 2021
Rebecca Solnit
The Guardian

Vaccinate the World! The Best Investment Ever.

“Wealthy countries would do so much better economically with a global vaccination campaign that curbed the pandemic that they would generate an additional $1 trillion in tax revenue, the I.M.F. calculated. In short, this vaccine initiative would pay for itself many times over simply in extra tax revenue” (Nicholas Kristof, 2021).

26 May 2021
Nicholas Kristof
The New York Times

How Covid-19 is deepening democratic backsliding and geopolitical competition in the Western Balkans

"Several countries in the Western Balkans have responded to the Covid-19 outbreak with draconian measures that entail a further erosion of democracy, writes Natasha Wunsch. She argues the pandemic is shining a spotlight on the impact of geopolitical competition in the Western Balkans, where authoritarian forces are undermining the EU’s democracy promotion efforts." (Wunsch, 2020).

20 May 2021
Natasha Wunsch
London School of Economics
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