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Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

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Kettering Review Fall 2020

"For much of the 20th century, politics was the province of elected leaders and expertise, aiming to fix problems without the public’s messy input. But what if the relationship between elected officials and constituents were recast as one of partners or coproducers?" (Felts et. al., 2020).

11 October 2020
Nicholas A. Felts, Noëlle McAfee, Joseph Tussman, Sheldon S. Wolin, Valerie A. Lemmie, Claire Snyder-Hall, Glenn Nye, Michael Neblo, Kevin M. Esterling, David M. J. Lazer, David Mathews
Kettering Foundation

Democracy and Civic Life: What Is the Long Game for Philanthropy?

To explore where philanthropy might make more of a difference, the Kettering Foundation and the Knight Foundation invited leading thinkers on the future of our democracy to write about the challenges and opportunities for American democracy and what role philanthropy can play in addressing those challenges.

11 October 2020
Derek W.M. Barker ,Melinda Gilmore
Kettering Foundation, Knight Foundation

Connections 2020: The Work of Democratic Citizenship

This report by the Kettering Foundation includes a set of experiments and findings related to democracy, democratic citizenship, and the Covid-19 pandemic.

11 October 2020
David Mathews, Ike Adam,s Erin Payseur Oeth, Joni Doherty, Samantha Fried, Jean Johnson, Keith Melville, Marie Pyko, Lissa Staley, Debbie Stanton, Elizabeth Gish, Ekaterina Lukianova Michele Archie, Damien Conners, Wendy Willis, Maxine S. Thomas, B Knighton, Kara Lindaman, Harry C. Boyte
Kettering Foundation

Shifting policies for systemic change

This report “aims to unpack the various features and amplifiers of the COVID-19 emergency and its interlinkages with other crises, including the economic lockdown, increased job loss, hunger and homelessness...disparities of opportunity, wealth and power... racial and gender violence, discrimination... and escalating climate disasters” (Global Civil Society Report, 2020)

11 October 2020
Annd, CDES, Center for Economic and Social Rights, Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era, Education International, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors, GPF, IEJ, Observatario Genero y Equidad, PSI, Social Watch, SID, Third World Network

A Leaderless Struggle for Democracy

"Democracy and pluralism are under assault. Dictators are toiling to stamp out the last vestiges of domestic dissent and spread their harmful influence to new corners of the world… As a result... Freedom House found that 2019 was the 14th consecutive year of decline in global freedom" (Freedom House 2020).

11 October 2020
Sarah Repucci
Freedom House

Policy Recommendations: Freedom on the Net 2020

This report examines "how to foster a reliable and diverse information space, protect human rights from intrusive surveillance, and promote internet freedom" (Freedom House, 2020).

11 October 2020
Freedom House

The Internationalization of Universities and the Repression of Academic Freedom

This report examines how "lucrative partnerships, foreign access, and expatriate academic networks create many opportunities – including a chance for authoritarian states to assert their influence across borders" (Furstenberg et al, 2020).

11 October 2020
Saipira Furstenberg, Tena Prelec, John Heathershaw
Freedom House

The Importance of Defending Diaspora Activism for Democracy and Human Rights

This report examines how "diaspora activism can be impactful. But transnational repression can deter, silence, and punish those who engage in the fight for rights from afar" (Moss 2020).

11 October 2020
Dana M. Moss
Freedom House

At Home and Abroad: Coercion-by-Proxy as a Tool of Transnational Repression

This report examines how "exile often means leaving loved ones and colleagues behind, sometimes at the mercy of governments who target them to gain leverage" (Adamson and Tsourapas, 2020).

11 October 2020
Fiona B. Adamson, Gerasimos Tsourapas
Freedom House

The Digital Transnational Repression Toolkit, and Its Silencing Effects

This report examines how "digital tools make it easier than ever for authoritarian governments to control, silence, and punish dissent across borders" (Michaelsen, 2020).

11 October 2020
Marcus Michaelsen
Freedom House
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