Library of democratic content

Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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Policy Recommendations: Strengthening Democracy

“A growing disregard for the conditions that form the foundations of democracy...threatens to destabilize the democratic order” and “prioritizing a narrow support base at the expense of ensuring fundamental freedoms for all, and neglecting to tie democratic principles to foreign policy, leaves democracies vulnerable” to authoritarianism (Freedom House, 2020).

11 October 2020
Freedom House

Global Democracy and Covid-19: Upgrading International Support

“This report assesses the impact that Covid-19 is having on democracy around the world” and examines how international democracy support organisations and donors are responding to the challenges related to the pandemic and calls for a stronger and reformulated international democracy support” (Youngs and Panchulidze, 2020).

11 October 2020
European Endowment for Democracy

Digital Cooperation for a Better Global Future

This report discusses “three main areas where international agreement and transnational initiatives could make important for forecasting and accountability, AI and digital transaction auditing and standards enforcement, and governance for digital platforms” (Club de Madrid, 2020).

11 October 2020
Club de Madrid

Transforming Multilateralism for 21st Century Social Justice and Inclusion

“This brief – informed by perspectives from governments, international institutions, civil society organizations and social movements – presents a way forward for policymakers worldwide, based on the most actionable policies they can champion and implement to strengthen social justice and inclusion” (Club de Madrid, 2020).

11 October 2020
Club de Madrid

Transatlantic Trends 2020

"The 2020 edition of Transatlantic Trends is a comparative study of French, German, and American perspectives on the major issues facing the transatlantic relationship: cooperation in security and defense, China’s influence on the global stage, international trade, and the digital transition." (Bertelsmann Foundation, The German Marshall Fund of the United States, Institut Montaigne, 2020)

11 October 2020
Bertelsmann Foundation, The German Marshall Fund of the United States, Institute Montaigne

COVID-19 Response - Case Studies of Four Countries

“The following report contains four case studies of different countries’ responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Each report first looks at the pre-pandemic preparedness of the country in question, then presents the strategy that was implemented … and an assessment of its performance” (Nakagawa et al., 2019).

11 October 2020
Dawn Nakagawa, Ann Scott Root, Edward Knudsen, Helmut Anheier, Olga Kononykhina, Markus Lang
Berggruen Institute

Renewing Democracy in the Digital Age

“The...Future of Democracy program has conducted a three-year comprehensive study and related series of convenings regarding pathways for democratic reform” to “strengthen democratic values, institutions, and outcomes...This report thus represents both a capstone of a transnational, multi-stakeholder project and the launch of a new conversation” (Berggruen Institute, 2020).

11 October 2020
Berggruen Institute

The Biggest Risk to This Election Is Not Russia. It’s Us.

“Americans must recognize that the United States is ripe for manipulation. With a month to go before Election Day, we are ripping ourselves apart” (Fiona Hill, 2020).

7 October 2020
Fiona Hill

Living in Chains Shackling of People with Psychosocial Disabilities Worldwide

"Around the world, hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children with mental health conditions have been shackled—chained or locked in confined spaces—at least once in their lives" (HRW, 2020).

6 October 2020
Human Rights Watch

American's Plastic Hour is Upon Us

“Eventually, the country will need a sane and healthy Republican Party. But for any kind of national renewal to take place, the Republicans must first suffer a crushing defeat in will take more than the triumph of a candidate, a party, or even a sweeping agenda...we have to revive...democratic faith” (George Packer, 2020).

1 October 2020
George Packer
The Atlantic
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