Library of democratic content

Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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How Democracy Won the World’s First Coronavirus Election

In the midst of a global pandemic, “South Korea has drawn on its strengths as a liberal society to address the public health crisis — and this week its people doubled-down on democracy by turning out in droves to re-elect its leadership” (John Delury, 2020).

16 April 2020
John Delury

We Won't Know the Exact Moment When Democracy Dies

"In the early days of the Trump Presidency, there was a lot of speculation about when, if, and how we would pass the point of no return, when we would know that American democracy had been destroyed. That conversation faded after a while, drowned out by the din of Trumpian news. The coronavirus pandemic has brought it back. " (Gessen, 2020)

16 April 2020
Masha Gessen
The New Yorker

Human Rights In Eastern Europe And Central Asia - Review Of 2019

"This report documents the state of human rights in Eastern Europe and Central Asia in 2019. It is composed of a regional overview and 12 country entries, subdivided by key human rights themes."

16 April 2020
Amnesty International

Europe: Human Rights In Europe - Review Of 2019

"This report documents the state of human rights in Europe during 2019. It is composed of a regional overview and 35 country entries, subdivided by key human rights themes." (Amnesty International, 2020)

16 April 2020
Amnesty International

Autocratization by Decree: States of Emergency and Democratic Decline

"States of emergency grant chief executives the power to bypass democratic constraints in order to combat existential threats... States of emergency should be associated with a heightened risk of autocratization... This paper tests this relationship using data on sixty democracies for 1974 to 2016" (Lührman and Rooney, 2020).

11 April 2020
Anna Lührmann, Bryan Rooney
V-Dem Institute

Supporting fair tax systems

This joint Oxfam and Action Aid report examines how the EU’s aid to DRM is disbursed looking at what we consider essential for a good quality DRM project: country and regional ownership of DRM, fairness, inclusiveness and local empowerment. Essentially: more revenue collected in a more progressive way, under a robust and inclusive process locally.

11 April 2020
Chiara Putaturo (Oxfam), Lis Cunha (Action Aid)

Human Rights In Africa: Review Of 2019

"This report documents the state of human rights in the countries sub-Saharan Africa during 2019. It is composed of a regional overview and 34 country entries, subdivided by key human rights themes. Africa faces numerous human rights challenges." (Amnesty International, 2020)

8 April 2020
Amnesty International

Is This Tyranny? Notes from the election’s sidelines

"A funny thing happened in 2008: I lost the right to vote. Having been a non-resident of Canada for five years, I could no longer cast an absentee ballot. And not being a citizen of the United States, I could not, still cannot, vote where I live. So there it is. I am, in the eyes of the world’s elections agencies, an extravagant and wheeling stranger of here and everywhere." (Mohamed, 2020)

7 April 2020
Feisal G. Mohamed
Yale Review

Democracy & Justice: Collected Writings 2019

“The extent to which DHS exploits social media information is buried in jargon-filled notices about changes to document storage systems that impart only the vaguest outlines of the underlying activities...This report seeks to map out the department’s collection, use, and sharing of social media information” (Patel et al., 2020).

7 April 2020
Brennan Center

Privacy Cannot Be a Casualty of the Coronavirus

“Many Americans now rely on digital tools to work remotely and stay connected. They shouldn’t have to sacrifice their privacy to use them” (NYT Editorial Board, 2020).

6 April 2020
NYT editorial board
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