Library of democratic content

Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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Response to the European Commission Consultation on the European Democracy Action Plan

This submission, which was "developed in collaboration with different parts of the Open Society Foundations, provides recommendations for ambitious EU action in the areas of election integrity and online political advertising, countering disinformation, media freedom and media pluralism, and supporting civil society, and active citizenship" (Valenti and Beltrà, 2020).

11 December 2020
Pamela Valenti, Guillermo Beltrà
Open Society Foundation

Imagine Philanthropy for Europe

This explorative research provides insights into philanthropic engagement for Europe – an idea we refer to as philanthropy with a European purpose – and found that Europe is at crossroads and philanthropy is needed to take action. (European Cultural Foundation, Allianz Kulturstiftung for Europe, 2020).

11 December 2020
European Cultural Foundation, Allianz Kulturstiftung for Europe

Annual Report 2019/20: Fit For The Future

This report explores the need for a new approach to prevent democratic backsliding on the UK as “UK democracy was already under considerable strain before the Covid-19 pandemic hit, coupled with a growing sense of alienation, disillusionment, distrust and disengagement surrounding its polarising politics” (Involve 2020).

10 December 2020

Taking Stock Of Global Democratic Trends Before And During The Covid-19 Pandemic

“This brief is a preliminary reflection... into the debate on the impact of COVID-19 on democracy globally, 10 months into the pandemic.” It identifies “potential new avenues of research” and pinpoints “key issues for policymaking” while offering “policymakers and civil society open invitation to provide their own suggestions” (IDEA, 2020).

9 December 2020

A Return to Decency

“American democracy was challenged by Mr. Trump at its very heart — respect for truth — and resisted”. When Joe Biden takes office, “decency will return to the White House, a fundamental moral shift. Dictators the world over will no longer have carte blanche to do their worst unchallenged” (Roger Cohen, 2020).

3 December 2020
Roger Cohen

Cooperative Cooperation is Possible Between China and the U.S.

Regarding China and the U.S., “each side must accurately assess the other’s intentions. China does not want to replace U.S. dominance in the world. Nor does China need to worry about the United States changing China’s would be a tragedy...if two countries of such power moved toward confrontation” (Fu Ying, 2020).

24 November 2020
Fu Ying

Democracy In The Times Of Corona

The Embassy of Sweden to the Republic of Korea and International IDEA co-organized a webinar on 9 June 2020 to examine the pandemic’s potential consequences for democracy worldwide using the case studies of Australia, the Republic of Korea and Sweden. (IDEA, 2020).

23 November 2020
IDEA, Embassy of Sweden

A Great Election, Against All Odds

“The 2020 election was not simply free of was, from an administrative standpoint, a resounding success. In the face of a raging pandemic and the highest turnout in more than a century, Americans enjoyed one of the most secure, most accurate and most well-run elections ever” (NYT Editorial Board, 2020).

22 November 2020
Editorial Board

Why Obama Fears for Our Democracy

“In an exclusive interview, the former president” Barack Obama “identifies the greatest threats to the American experiment, explains why he’s still hopeful, and opens up about his new book” (Jeffrey Goldberg, 2020).

16 November 2020
Jeffrey Goldberg
The Atlantic

Taiwan Is Beating Political Disinformation. The West Can Too.

“Building resilient societies that can fight back against disinformation comes from the hard work of increasing the public’s media literacy and creating and sustaining relationships among people over time, not better algorithms alone. Learning from innovators like Taiwan should be an overarching priority for liberal democracies in the 2020s” (Kerr and Phillips, 2020).

11 November 2020
Walter Kerr, Macon Phillips
Foreign Policy
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