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Playing The China Card

“Any effort to lean on the external threat of China as a basis for overcoming domestic divisions at home is unlikely to succeed and likely to harm U.S. interests at home and abroad” (Ryan Hass, 2021).

20 May 2021
Ryan Hass
Noema Magazine

Many Western Europeans think mandatory voting is important, but Americans are split

This examines how “around two-thirds of adults in Germany, France and the United Kingdom say it is important for their national government to make voting compulsory for all citizens…but views in the United States are much more divided” (Connaughton and Schumacher, 2021).

11 May 2021
Aidan Connaughton, Shannon Schumacher
Pew Research Center

Why Did It Take So Long to Accept the Facts About Covid?

“If the importance of aerosol transmission had been accepted early, we would have been told from the beginning that it was much safer outdoors...our mitigations would have been much more effective, sparing us a great deal of suffering and anxiety” (Zeynep Tufecki, 2021).

7 May 2021
Zeynep Tufekci
The New York Times

Next Steps for a People’s Vaccine

“The Biden administration’s decision to stop opposing a proposed COVID-19 waiver of certain intellectual-property rights under World Trade Organization rules is a welcome move. But ending the pandemic also requires scaling up knowledge and technology transfer, as well as public production of vaccine supplies” (Ghosh 2021).

7 May 2021
Jayati Ghosh
Project Syndicate

It’s good Biden is suspending vaccine patents. But the whole rotten system needs overhaul

“To prepare for a long century of recurring health emergencies – the temporary Trips suspension must give way to a total transformation of the pharmaceutical patent system. Pausing the gears of the killing machine is not enough. Our obligation is to dismantle it” (Adler and Anyona, 2021).

7 May 2021
David Adler and Mamka Anyona
The Guardian

The Limits to US-China Climate Cooperation

“The world desperately needs the United States and China to collaborate in addressing climate change, but no one should harbor any illusions. The best to be hoped for is that the two superpowers are disciplined enough to avoid endangering humanity’s survival as they jostle for geopolitical advantage” (Minxin Pei, 2021).

6 May 2021
Minxin Pei
Project Syndicate

How to spot the difference between a real climate policy and greenwashing guff

“Unless actions by governments and corporations cut emissions in the here and now, a dose of scepticism is in order” (Damian Carrington, 2021).

6 May 2021
Damian Carrington
The Guardian

The Green Art of the Possible

“Europe’s experience suggests that decarbonizing the power sector first, while sheltering industry from higher costs, can generate some modest progress in reducing greenhouse-gas emissions. But achieving the more ambitious targets ahead will require tougher choices” (Daniel Gros, 2021).

5 May 2021
Daniel Gros
Project Syndicate

What Threatens Press Freedom Today?

"Transparency is the missing ingredient in large media platforms today, with everyone in the dark about how proprietary algorithms sort people and prioritize messages. This should not lead us to condemn all social media, but we should be sensitive to how owners and authoritarians use them." (Mueller, 2021)

3 May 2021
Jan-Werner Mueller
Project Syndicate

Do You Live in a Political Bubble?

The authors “measured political isolation by looking at each voter’s thousand closest neighbors. For about one in five Republicans, and two in five Democrats, less than a quarter of their neighbors belong to the opposite political party” (Wezerek, Enos, and Brown, 2021).

3 May 2021
Gus Wezerek, Ryan D. Enos and Jacob Brown
The New York Times
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