Library of democratic content

Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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Migration and Mobility After the 2020 Pandemic: The End of an Age?

“This paper sets an agenda for research on the future of human migration and mobility after the 2020 Pandemic” by examining ten questions related to migration and the impact of the pandemic on mobility (Gamlen, 2020).

11 March 2020
Alan Gamlen
Oxford Center on Migration, Policy and Society

Inequality and Support for Democracy: a Micro Perspective

This piece demonstrates how “perceived equality significantly increases support for democracy as a regime type, while feelings of being more unlike others significantly reduces support for democracy” (Isbell, 2020) and explores what drives democracy or endangers it in relation to inequality.

11 March 2020
Thomas Isbell
Center for Social Science Research, University of Cape Town

Human Rights In The Americas. Review Of 2019

"Inequality, corruption, violence, environmental degradation, impunity and the weakening of institutions continued to be a common reality across the Americas...Several countries in the region were shaken by massive demonstrations during 2019 as people took to the streets to demand accountability and respect for their human rights." (Amnesty International, 2020)

27 February 2020
Amnesty International

Human Rights In The Middle East And North Africa: Review Of 2019

"This report documents the state of human rights in the Middle East and North Africa during 2019. It is composed of a regional overview and 19 country entries, subdivided by key human rights themes." (Amnesty International, 2020)

18 February 2020
Amnesty International

Sharp Power And Democratic Resilience Series

"The Sharp Power and Democratic Resilience series is an effort to systematically analyze the ways in which leading authoritarian regimes seek to manipulate the political landscape and censor independent expression within democratic settings, and to highlight potential civil society responses.” This report examines and recommends solutions to the sharp power threat. (National Endowment for Democracy, 2020).

12 February 2020
NED, Forum

How people around the world see democracy in 8 charts

8 charts “show how people around the world see the state of democracy in their country” based on a report finding “people around the world are widely dissatisfied with democracy in their country and believe that elected officials don’t care what people like them think” (Connaughton, Kent, and Schumacher, 2020).

11 February 2020
Aidan Connaughton, Nicholas Kent, Shannon Schumacher
Pew Research Center

Unlocking sustainable development in Africa by addressing unpaid care and domestic work

"The brief draws on research and programming experience from Oxfam’s Women’s Economic Empowerment and Care (WE-Care) programme… This paper draws on WE-Care initiatives… and presents evidence-based solutions from these five countries to address UCDW across the continent."

11 February 2020
Leah Mugehera, Amber Parkes

The social contract in the 21st century

Economic outcomes and the relationship between individuals and institutions have shifted for workers, consumers, and savers in advanced economies.

5 February 2020
James Manyika, Anu Madgavkar, Tilman Tacke, Sven Smit, Jonathan Woetzel, and Abdulla Abdulaal
McKinsey & Company

Rethinking global governance

“Institutional reform and change are easier said than done… governments cannot do it on their own….This publication … includes perspectives and recommendations from ‘unusual suspects’ including think tankers, academics, activists, journalists and representatives of the private sector” (Islam 2020).

4 February 2020
Friends of Europe

Human Rights In Asia-Pacific: Review Of 2019

"It was a year of repression, but also of resistance. The Chinese government clamped down with renewed force on the freedoms promised to the people of Hong Kong under the terms of the handover of the territory...In the streets, those freedoms were doughtily defended against the steepest odds.” (Amnesty International, 2020)

29 January 2020
Amnesty International
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