Library of democratic content

Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

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Philanthrocapitalism in global health and nutrition: analysis and implications

“Large global foundations play role in shaping the global development agenda and in setting the funding priorities for international institutions and national governments alike… This discussion paper is an executive summary of a forthcoming article by Nicoletta Dentico (Health Innovation in Practice) and Karolin Seitz (Global Policy Forum).” (Dentico and Seitz, 2018).

11 October 2018
Nicoletta Dentico, Karolin Seitz
Bischöfliches Hilfswerk MISEREOR/Brot für die Welt/Health Innovation in Practice/Global Policy Forum/medico international

The Role of Youth in Democratic Resilience

The report summarizes discussions from the Community of Democracies’ event on ”The Role of Youth in Democratic Resilience”, held at the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly in New York in September 2018 and outlines the main points discussed during the event including democratic values, youth engagement, and inclusion. (Community of Democracies, 2018)

11 October 2018
Community of Democracies

Best Practice in Community of Democracies’ member states engagement with, and protection of, civil society

This report defines “the key concept of this report – civil society – and proceeds with a discussion of civil society’s role in a democratic society, reviewing the functions of civil society in a democracy” and concludes with... recommendations on what states can do” (Communities of Democracy, 2018).

11 September 2018
Community of Democracies

The Nature of Democratic Backsliding in Europe

"European democracy is in decline, as increasingly authoritarian leaders undermine the post–Cold War liberal order by targeting media freedom, individual rights, and the rule of law" (Lindberg 2018).

24 July 2018
Staffan Linberg
Carnegie Europe

A renewed world organization for the 21st century

Following the publication of the book A World Parliament: Governance and Democracy in the 21st Century with Jo Leinen, this discussion paper by Andreas Bummel elaborates on key elements of a future world organization resulting from a transformation of today’s United Nations. (Bummel, 2018).

29 June 2018
Andreas Bummel
Democracy without Borders

Rethinking “democratic backsliding” in Central and Eastern Europe – looking beyond Hungary and Poland

"This essay introduces contributions to a special issue of East European Politics on “Rethinking democratic backsliding in Central and Eastern Europe”, which seeks to expand the study of democratic regression in CEE beyond the paradigmatic cases of Hungary and Poland" (Cianettia, Dawsonb, and Hanley, 2018).

17 June 2018
Licia Cianettia, James Dawson, Seán Hanley
East European Politics

Situation Of The World’s Human Rights Defenders: Submission To The United Nations Special Rapporteur On The Situation Of Human Rights Defenders: Report To The 73rd Session Of The Un General Assembly

“Despite the many efforts... Amnesty International considers that there is still a lot to be done in order to ensure the full implementation of the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders and guarantee a safe and enabling environment for all those who defend human rights” (Amnesty International, 2018).

14 June 2018
Amnesty International

Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future

"As cities get smarter, they are becoming more livable and more responsive—and today we are seeing only a preview of what technology could eventually do in the urban environment" (Woetzel et. al., 2018).

5 June 2018
Jonathan Woetzel, Jaana Remes, Brodie Boland, Katrina Lv, Suveer Sinha, Gernot Strube, John Means, Jonathan Law, Andres Cadena, and Valerie von der Tann
McKinsey & Company

Patterns of competitive authoritarianism in the Western Balkans

"The countries of the Western Balkans during the 1990s were dominated by competitive authoritarian regimes that combined multi-party elections with nationalist rhetoric and the privatisation of the state to affiliated business interests… This article will argue that the current competitive authoritarian systems … are structurally different from those of the 1990s" (Bieber 2018).

11 May 2018
Florian Bieber
East European Politics

V-Dem Annual Democracy Report 2018​. Democracy for All?

"Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) produces the largest global dataset on democracy with some 19 million data for 201 countries from 1789 to 2017." This report details the state of democracy in 2017 and presents data for democratically advancing and declining states around the world and global challenges.

11 May 2018
V-dem Institute
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