Library of democratic content

Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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Technocracy Meets Direct Democracy In Italy

“With the exception of Taiwan’s advanced digital democracy, including an annual presidential hackathon where millions of citizens participate online in setting the governing agenda, Italy is undertaking the most fascinating experiment in democratic innovation across the West today” (Nathan Gardels, 2021).

19 February 2021
Technocracy Meets Direct Democracy In Italy
Noema Magazine

First Resort: An Agenda for the United States and the European Union

The most far-reaching opportunities for future U.S.-EU cooperation are likely to transcend foreign policy; they include interrelated issues of health, resilience, climate and energy, digital transformation, creating jobs and fostering inclusive and sustainable growth. This report focuses on these key areas" (Daniel S. Hamilton, 2020).

11 February 2021
Daniel S. Hamilton
Wilson Center

Democracy Doesn’t Always Happen Over Night: Regime Change in Stages and Economic Growth

This paper analyses “the idea that democratic regime change is not a discrete event but a two-stage process: (1), autocracies enter into an ‘episode’ of political liberalization which can last for years or even decades; (2), the ultimate outcome of the episode manifests itself and a nation undergoes regime change or not" (Henrik Knutsen, 2021).

11 February 2021
Carl Henrik Knutsen
V-Dem Institute

The Cost of Political Violence in the United States

"The report looks at the recent surge in extremism, hate crimes, armed militias, and acts of police brutality and assesses the associated costs... Philanthropy can mitigate these costs, but investments must be directed toward initiatives led by targeted communities that at their core promote democratic goals and support community resilience."

11 February 2021
Andrew Blum
Democracy Fund

Taking Stock Of Regional Democratic Trends In Europe Before And During The Covid-19 Pandemic

This GSoD In Focus aims at providing a brief overview of the state of democracy in Europe at the end of 2019, prior to the outbreak of the pandemic, and then assesses some of the preliminary impacts that the pandemic has had on democracy in the region from March 2020 to February 2021 (IDEA, 2021).

4 February 2021

Where the rubber meets the road. Survey on CSOs perceptions about UN reform is being launched today

This survey and report details what UNDS reform is, how inclusive it is, and perceptions of the UN system.

2 February 2021
Global Policy Forum

Staying Resilient While Trying To Save The World (Volume 2): A Well-Being Workbook For Youth Activists

“Volume 2 … was drafted together with youth activists and informed by realities” they face is aims to “support youth activists in their journey to strengthen their self-care and make us all recognize the need to look after each other as we stand up for human rights”. (Amnesty International, 2021)

29 January 2021
Amnesty International

Shifting the Balance: Local adaptation, innovation and collaboration during the pandemic and beyond

"Shifting the Balance is an investigation into this new community-powered approach, where people across localities worked together to achieve shared objectives as the Covid-19 crisis unfolded. Based on a series of interviews, workshops, and in-depth case studies, it identifies and explores a host of new practices and partnerships that emerged in the first Covid-19 lockdown" (Kaye and Morgan, 2021).

27 January 2021
Simon Kaye, Charlotte Morgan
New Local

Orwell, Priestley and the politics of the ordinary

In Britain, “the past quarter century has witnessed two contrasting approaches to politics” between “the Blair-Cameron years” and “the Corbyn-Johnson era”. “The status quo is now thoroughly shaken up but there is little appetite for putting the technocrats back in power. The big question hovering over British politics is what comes next” (The Economist, 2021).

23 January 2021
The Economist

The End of Liberal Diplomacy

“While Joe Biden is right to reject many aspects of Donald Trump’s toxic presidency, he should avoid throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Only by recognizing the weaknesses of liberal diplomatic norms can the Biden administration advance the innovative, effective diplomacy the world so desperately needs” (Ben-Ami, 2021).

22 January 2021
Shlomo Ben-Ami
Project Syndicate
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