Library of democratic content

Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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Parliaments And Crisis: Challenges And Innovations

Firstly, this Primer looks at how parliaments ensured that emergency measures consider the needs of every citizen, and also that any emergency government powers were limited in time and scope, and subject to parliamentary oversight. Second, the Primer examines how parliaments implemented virtual innovative solutions. In closing, it explores how parliaments can improve crisis and disaster planning. (Murphy, 2020).

11 May 2020
Jonathan Murphy

The Post Neo-Liberal World is Already Here

"Across the globe, the economic and social systems we thought we understood have collapsed. Our expectations for normal life… have evaporated. We have no clear timeline on when normal will resume, or where normal will eventually settle." (Wong, 2020)

7 May 2020
Felicia Wong
Democracy Journal

What Democracy Will Fall Next?

"In March, Hungary became the first democracy to succumb to the coronavirus. With stunning speed, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban jammed through an emergency decree that gave him extraordinary powers for an indefinite period of time and put in place draconian restrictions on political freedoms" (Feldstein, 2020)

7 May 2020
Steven Feldstein
Foreign Policy

We the People, in Order to Defeat the Coronavirus

“There are times when government must curtail individual freedoms to protect the public. But those measures must end once the threat passes” (NYT Editorial Board, 2020).

1 May 2020
editorial board

Getting Ahead Collectively in a Post-Industrial Economy

“Recent studies by cooperative development organizations have identified several areas that must be addressed for growth to continue: finance, human capital, business support, and culture. This study extends those findings through literature review, institutional analysis, and interviews with key actors in the US worker coop ecosystem” (Oakes 2020).

1 May 2020
Jason Oakes
Berggruen Institute

In A Crisis, True Leaders Stand Out

“Leadership may be hard to define, but in times of crisis it is easy to identify. As the pandemic has spread fear, disease and death, national leaders across the globe have been severely tested...the master class on how to respond belongs to Jacinda Ardern, the 39-year-old prime minister of New Zealand” (NYT Editorial Board, 2020).

30 April 2020
editorial board

Enabling Media Markets to Work for Democracy

“This study outlines the case for, and the practical feasibility of establishing, a new International Fund for Public Interest Media (IFPIM)” which would “ focus mainly on resource-poor settings across the world where the economic and political challenges confronting independent media have become overwhelming” (Luminate, 2020).

29 April 2020

COVID-19 Economic Consequences, Resources and Effective Measures

“…While we still do not know the full impact of the pandemic in terms of lives lost and the public health ramifications, we do know that the fiscal response will be massive and have consequences that will ripple through the global economy, affecting future policy decisions for years to come" (Institute for State Effectiveness, 2020).

20 April 2020
Institute for State Effectiveness

New Zealand’s Prime Minister May Be the Most Effective Leader on the Planet

"Jacinda Ardern’s leadership style, focused on empathy, isn’t just resonating with her people; it’s putting the country on track for success against the coronavirus." (Friedman, 2020)

19 April 2020
Uri Friedman
The Atlantic

Re-examining the Terms of Aid

This report examines the implementation gaps in fragile state development "and how development partnerships can better support fragile states to build state functions, deliver on their citizens’ expectations, and transition from fragility to self-reliance" (Institute for State Effectiveness, 2020).

17 April 2020
Institute for State Effectiveness
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