Library of democratic content

Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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A President Can Govern in Poetry

“Biden is known for his empathy...but he also has something that leaders from Nelson Mandela to Abraham Lincoln had — a belief in the power of why not? That’s the province of poets, not policy wonks” (Egan 2021).

22 January 2021
Timothy Egan

Digital Democracy: Accelerating A New Field Of Knowledge

"The report identified key central considerations for researchers, allies and potential new entrants... These include the urgent need to ensure data access for researchers as well as the desire among scholars in the Knight Research Network to expand and diversify the network to preserve and grow the integrity and reputation of this emerging field" (Wihbey, 2021).

21 January 2021
John P. Wihbey
Knight Foundation


“Throughout America’s history, the bigotry that fueled Donald Trump’s rise to power has never been far from the surface. Trump’s departure is an opportunity for a new beginning, not only in the deeply-wounded United States, but in multiethnic societies everywhere” (Jeffrey D. Sachs, 2021).

20 January 2021
Jeffrey Sachs
Project Syndicate

The Youthful Movement That Made Martin Luther King Jr.

“In this moment made so dark by white nationalism and truth denial, Americans should look to the country’s legacy of young leaders with forward-thinking wisdom” (Rich Benjamin, 2021).

17 January 2021
Rich Benjamin

Capitalism We Can Believe In

“President-elect Joe Biden’s call to “build back better” after the pandemic is an invitation to renovate America’s outdated neoliberal version of capitalism. The more successful variants of market capitalism found in Europe or, better, in California, point the way forward” (Tyson and Mendonca, 2021).

15 January 2021
Laura Tyson, Lenny Mendonca
Project Syndicate

Global Insights: Covid-19 And The Information Space

“The analyses presented in these essays span a range of topics—media sustainability, authoritarian influence, fact-checking, research partnerships, data privacy—affecting regions like Europe, North and South America, and Africa" (National Endowment for Democracy, 2021).

13 January 2021
NED, Forum

Donald Trump’s Costly Legacy

“Donald Trump’s presidency has been a consequential one, but more for its destructive effects than for its achievements. The damage caused by repeated attacks on American democracy, an inept pandemic response, and disruptive foreign-policy decisions will be difficult – if not impossible – to repair anytime soon” (Richard Haass, 2021).

11 January 2021
Richard Haass
Project Syndicate

Fulfilling North America's Promise

This article analyzes how relations between Canada, the USA, and Mexico will develop in light of the arrival of the Biden Administration; discusses the key topics and issues that need to be addressed in North American relations, and proposes policy recommendations.

11 January 2021
Daniel S. Hamilton
Wilson Center

Response to European Commission Consultation on the White Paper on Artificial Intelligence

This paper “makes the argument that “a larger scope of the law will be necessary to incorporate strong measures to regulate and, in some cases, prohibit the use of AI in highly sensitive public functions such as policing, surveillance, immigration or social welfare” (Valenti and Beltrà, 2020).

11 January 2021
Open Society Foundation

Youth Democracy, Human Rights & Governance Cross-Sectoral Initiative

"CEPPS established the Youth Democracy and Governance (DRG) Cross-Sectoral Initiative to examine the intersections between DRG and other youth development sectors... This initiative explored cross-sectoral challenges and opportunities to connect young people’s interests and their desire to solve sectoral development problems with their political participation and ability to influence decision-making" (National Democratic Institute, 2021).

6 January 2021
National Democratic Institute
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