Library of democratic content

Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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Strengthening The Un Human Rights Council From The Ground Up

“Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and the International Service for Human Rights convened a dialogue on 22 February 2018, which brought together a cross-regional group … to discuss opportunities for strengthening the UN Human Rights Council’s human rights impact on the ground” (Amnesty International, 2018).

23 April 2018
Amnesty International

The Populist Challenge to the European Court of Human Rights

“This article analyzes the position of the” European Court of Human Rights concerning the “unprecedented wave of populism in Europe” and “argues that the rise of populism not only intensifies the pressure on the ECtHR, it poses a serious and distinctive challenge to the ECHR” (Petrov 2018).

11 March 2018
Jan Petrov
The Jean Monnet Center for International and Regional Economic Law & Justice

Local Youth Councils

Youth should be involved in political decision-making, but it’s not always obvious how to make sure that happens. One promising practice– the creation of youth councils or advisory groups – is attracting new interest from political leaders in Canada. Constituency youth councils are "generally organized by the local office of an elected representative, and provide a non-partisan forum for local youth (both under 18 and over) to meet with their" elected leaders and discuss political issues (the Samara Centre of Democracy, 2018).

11 March 2018
The Samara Centre of Democracy

The UN Foundation - A foundation for the UN?

“This working paper builds on the analysis elaborated in the 2015 publication “Fit for Whose Purpose?”” and examines “the evolution of the UN Foundation” “in the context of today’s re-evaluation of multilateralism” (Adams and Martens, 2018).

11 March 2018
Barbara Adams and Jens Martens
Global Policy Forum and Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung — New York Office

Democracy & Justice: Collected Writings, Vol. XI

"This volume is a sample of the Brennan Center's work in the fight for democracy and justice in 2017. Material is drawn from Brennan Center reports, policy proposals, and issue briefs, in addition to public remarks, legal briefs, congressional testimony, and op-ed pieces written by Brennan Center staff and fellows." (Brennan Center, 2018).

4 March 2018
Brennan Center

Amnesty International Report 2017/18: The State Of The World's Human Rights

"The Amnesty International Report 2017/18 shines a light on the state of the world’s human rights during 2017. It covers 159 countries and territories from all regions documenting the struggle of many people to claim their rights, and the failures of governments to respect, protect and fulfil human rights." (Amnesty International, 2018)

22 February 2018
Amnesty International

Closing Address

11 October 2017
Athens Democracy Forum

Democracy in Cartoons

How have political cartoonists responded to what is happening in the world? A New York Times editorial cartoonist examines the state of democracy through his drawings.

11 October 2017
Athens Democracy Forum

Keynote Address

11 October 2017
Athens Democracy Forum
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