Library of democratic content

Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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Student Debate: "Democracy is Dead"

Six international teams compete and debate on the topic of “Democracy is Dead”

11 October 2016
Athens Democracy Forum

Keynote Speech

The Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson. Former Governor General of Canada delivers a speech on the refugee crisis, her history as a refugee, and the importance of democracy and democratic values in providing opportunities to those fleeing their countries in search of a better life, and how they enrich the communities and countries that take them in.

11 October 2015
Athens Democracy Forum

Keynote speech

His Highness the Aga Khan delivers a keynote address to the Athens Democracy Forum, where he says that improving the quality of human life is the most important component of a successful democracy.

11 October 2015
Athens Democracy Forum

Is Liberal Democracy Universal?

It is a matter of gospel truth in Western democracies that our model of participatory democracy is universally applicable. But countries like China and Russia have formed functional societies in which a majority of people seem to reject the Western model.

Who is right?


11 October 2015
Athens Democracy Forum

What is a constitution

This infographic explains the definition of a constitution and the different types of constitutions. It also explains what a constitution can do, what it can include, and the role of constitutions in democracy, such as defining the shape of a state.


What is a democracy

This infographic presents the definition and short history of the creation of democracy. It also explains the key principles of democracy: Popular Control and Political Equality, and the relevant criteria a system of government needs to meet in order to be considered a democracy.


Democracy in Practice

This infographic explains how democracy is practiced in the UK. It presents clear and concise definitions of terms and models such as representative democracy, Westminster Model, devolution, etc. It also presents other models of democracy, such as direct, deliberative, and participatory.


How to build a constitution

This infographic outlines the basic steps to building a constitution and presents important definitions and institutions involved in the work. It briefly describes the process of creating a constitution and includes examples of constitution building from different states, such as the USA, Germany, Ecuador and Chile.


Open Government Partnership Global Report Vol I

"This report provides a thorough and honest review of progress made by OGP member countries in the first eight years of the partnership. In determining its findings, the report examines a vast amount of the world’s governance data, across multiple dimensions of democracy and openness, specifically looking at three areas of progress" (Open Governance Partnership).

Open Government Partnership
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