Library of democratic content

Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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One World, Two Systems

“The Chinese leadership is charting a course ahead that depends less on the West. It will become more self-reliant on its own state-driven technological innovation and domestic consumer market while looking to trade with its immediate neighbors and along the revived Silk Roads of Eurasia as the surest route to prosperity and power” (Nathan Gardels, 2021).

26 March 2021
Nathan Gardels
Noema Magazine

An Unusually Optimistic Conversation with Bernie Sanders

“But Sanders’s two presidential campaigns are part of the reason that the Democratic Party had moved, and the politics of the moment had changed. And so I’ve wondered what Sanders makes of this moment. Is it a triumph? A disappointment? A beginning?” (The Ezra Klein Show, 2021).

23 March 2021
Ezra Klein
The New York Times

A Global Green Deal

“By strengthening its emissions-reduction targets and investing heavily in clean energy, greentech, and research and development, the European Union has positioned itself as a global climate leader. It now must continue to lead by example while also doing more to help others achieve their climate ambitions” (Ursula Von Der Leyen and Werner Hoyer, 2021).

22 March 2021
Ursula Von Der Leyen, Werner Hoyer
Project Syndicate

The U.S. and China Finally Get Real With Each Other

The U.S.-China meeting “would have been a failure if it had resulted in general declarations to cooperate while minimizing competition...organizing the relationship around cooperation is theoretically desirable as an end goal but will be unattainable for the foreseeable future, given the unfolding reality of an assertive, repressive China and a defiant America” (Thomas Wright, 2021).

21 March 2021
Thomas Wright
The Atlantic

Rising to the Challenge of China

“When it comes to China...Mr. Trump was a disastrous leader in so many ways, but he is widely seen as having correctly diagnosed the problem with China, even as he bungled the solution. Mr. Biden, who understands the importance of allies, has a far better chance of getting it right” (Farah Stockman, 2021).

18 March 2021
Farah Stockman
The New York Times

The Real Guardrails of Democracy Are Its Citizens

“A citizenry with less interest in power than in preserving democracy is the safeguard of last resort...the problem of polarization in the United States began not with voters but with political elites who drove their bases to extremes. The more directly responsive government can be made to the people, the safer democracy will be” (Jonathan Schlefer, 2021).

15 March 2021
Jonathan Schlefer
Foreign Affairs

How to Renew America's Democracy

“The task of fixing America’s democracy enmeshes both voting in the Senate and voting in the country at large. When politics is infected by bad faith, that can make the situation worse. If the rules of politics became the main field of combat, the system itself could come to seem even more illegitimate to voters” (The Economist, 2021).

13 March 2021
The Economist

Trump and the Trapped Country

“If the fear behind the strongman thesis was the eclipse of democracy, we still have reason for concern—less because of a tyrant looming on the right than because of a paralysis of political agency across the board. The signal quality of Trump’s Presidency was not how unusual it was but how emblematic it was” (Corey Robin, 2021).

13 March 2021
Corey Robin
The New Yorker

Europe Turns Toward Citizen Engagement

“U.S. President Joe Biden is seeking to gather like-minded nations into a geopolitical club defined not by what democracy is, can be or must become, but by what it is not. Yet, while all authoritarian states are undemocratic, all democracies are troubled in their own ways” (Nathan Gardels, 2021).

12 March 2021
Nathan Gardels
Noema Magazine

Democracy Report 2021. Autocratization Turns Viral

"Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) produces the largest global dataset on democracy with almost 30 million data points for 202 countries from 1789 to 2020." This report details the state of democracy in 2020 and presents data for democratically advancing and declining states around the world and global challenges.

11 March 2021
V-dem Institute
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