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World Report 2019

"World Report 2019 is Human Rights Watch’s 29th annual review of human rights practices around the globe. It summarizes key human rights issues in more than 100 countries and territories worldwide, drawing on events from late 2017 through November 2018" (Human Rights Watch, 2019).

11 October 2019
Human Rights Watch

Governing Ecologically

“This study looks at the government participation of the German Greens at the level of the federal states” and “tackles an area of politics and ecological modernisation which has had considerable influence on the public debate in recent times, from the summer heat international climate protection” (Jungjohann 2019).

11 October 2019
Arne Jungjohann
Friedrich Boll Stiftung The Green Political Foundation

Annual Report 2019

"This is the 2019 Annual Report for Stichting Greenpeace Council. Stichting Greenpeace Council commonly works under its operational name, Greenpeace International" (Greenpeace 2019).

11 October 2019

Extractive Industries and Violation of Women’s Rights

This briefing discusses how “women are disproportionately affected by negative social and environmental impacts of extractive industries”, “ the human rights impact of business enterprises could be effectively regulated by a UN treaty on business and human rights”, and argues “such a treaty must comprehensively integrate a gender perspective” (Seitz 2019).

11 October 2019
Karolin Seitz
Association of Women’s Rights in Development (AWID), Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN), Global Policy Forum, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung

Reshaping governance for sustainability

This report “offers analysis and recommendations on how to strengthen inclusive and participatory governance and to overcome structural and institutional obstacles and gaps in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs” and includes a “call to action to world leaders” (Global Civil Society Report, 2019).

11 October 2019
Social Watch, Third World Network, Global Policy Forum, Arab NGO Network for Development, Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era, Society for International Development, Public Servies International, Center for Economic and Social Rights with support from Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

Digital Election Interference

This report examines a "Freedom on the Net 2019 Key Finding" that "politicians and hyperpartisans use digital means to manipulate elections" (Shahbaz and Funk, 2019).

11 October 2019
Adrian Shahbaz,Allie Funk
Freedom House

Supporting Media for Democracy

“This publication presents EED’s work in the area of independent media, and reflects on lessons learned in six years of media and democracy support” and analyzes “worrying trends and challenges faced by media today and calls for an urgent re-set in thinking about donor support to media” (Pomianowski, 2019).

11 October 2019
European Endowment for Democracy

Annual Report 2019 Culture Foundation of Europe

This is the annual report of the European Cultural Foundation for 2019.

11 October 2019
European Cultural Foundation,

The 2019 Berggruen Governance Index

"The 2019 Berggruen Governance Index evaluates countries on the basis of their quality of political governance. To do this, the Index disaggregates governance into three key components: Quality of Democracy (Inputs), Quality of Government (Throughputs) and Quality of Life (Outputs)." (Berggruen Institute, 2019)

11 October 2019
Berggruen Institute

Justice Policy Series, Part I: Access to Justice

The aim of this report is to inspire countries to adopt policies and activities suggested here and adapt them for their own national and local context. Working closely with international and domestic partners, the OGP Support Unit will use this research to help OGP members continue to develop and implement strong justice commitments.

20 September 2019
Open Government Partnership
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