Library of democratic content

Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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Policy Recommendations: China

“The Chinese government’s efforts to tighten control at home and expand authoritarian tactics abroad present a threat to global democracy… we see increasingly aggressive efforts by the CCP to export repression through the spread of global censorship, propaganda, contro,...harassment of dissidents” and “abuse of democratic systems” (Freedom House).

Freedom House

Policy Recommendations: COVID-19 and the Global Struggle for Freedom

"The following policy recommendations correspond to the new Freedom House report" Democracy under Lockdown: The Impact of COVID-19 on the Global Struggle for Freedom" (Freedom House).

Freedom House

Policy Recommendations: Democracy in Europe and Eurasia

This report details policy recommendations for democracy in Europe and Eurasia and advises democracies, especially the United States and European Union member states, to strengthen and protect core values and guard against manipulation by authoritarian actors. (Freedom House, n.d.).

Freedom House

Disrupting Democracy Vol. II

"This publication is divided into five chapters, one for each case study (Italy, Mexico, Latvia, and the United States, plus a chapter of polling data. Within each chapter, you'll "outsider's" perspective on the case study and analysis and potential solutions to the challenges highlighted in part one." (Bertelsmann Foundation, n.d.)

Bertelsmann Foundation

Disrupting Democracy Vol. I

"This publication is divided into six chapters: five case studies (India, Cuba, the United States, Israel and Germany), and an appendix of online polling data from each case study…. Within each chapter, there is an "outsider's" perspective on the case study…; and an analysis and potential solutions” (Disrupting Democracy)." (Bertelsmann Foundation, n.d.)

Bertelsmann Foundation

Democracy Perception Index 2019

"This study focuses specifically on public perception, motivated by the premise that democracy’s survival depends primarily on how citizens perceive it. Results for the DPI are based on nationally representative interviews with 177,870 respondents from 54 countries conducted between April 18th and June 6th 2019. (Alliance of Democracies)"

Alliance of democracies, Latana

Democracy Perception Index 2020

"The Democracy Perception Index (DPI) is the world’s largest annual study on democracy... to monitor attitudes towards democracy...The 2020 edition offers a unique comparison of global public opinion during the COVID-19 crisis. Results are based on nationally representative interviews with 124,000 respondents from 53 countries." (Alliance of democracies, Latana)

Alliance of democracies, Latana
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