Library of democratic content

Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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What Comes Next? Lessons For The Recovery of Liberal Democracy

"In declining order of direct comparison" the authors "looked at cases of democratic decline and subsequent renewal" in several areas and "also looked at the similarities and differences between these states and countries that faced executive degradation and have not yet recovered, particularly Hungary, Poland, Turkey, and Venezuela" (Kleinfeld and Solimini, 2018).

11 October 2018
Rachel Kleinfeld, David Solimini
Democracy Fund, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Applying Behavioral Insights To Support Immigrant Integration And Social Cohesion

This report examines how “mentoring programmes and volunteering opportunities could also be used to encourage eligible immigrants to naturalise, and citizenship ceremonies could be made more meaningful by encouraging existing citizens to attend and connect with new citizens” (Benton, Silva, and Somerville, 2018).

11 October 2018
Meghan Benton, Antonio Silva, Will Somerville
The behavioral Insights Team, mpi Europe

Political Participation of Refugees: Bridging the Gaps

This report focuses on eight host countries—Germany, Kenya, Lebanon, South Africa, Sweden, Turkey, Uganda and the United Kingdom—and five countries of origin: Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Somalia, South Sudan and Syria. It offers comparative analysis on different mechanisms for formal and non-formal political participation.

11 October 2018
Armend Bekaj and Lina Antara

Towards Elections with Integrity

"This policy brief… proposes… monitoring of the political processes leading up to polling day; improving collaboration with observers at a local level; strengthening the role played by civil society; setting stronger guidelines for the digital arena; developing guidelines for technology used; striking a new balance between the observation missions’ technical and political mandates" (Martinelli, 2018).

11 October 2018
Marta Martinelli, Srdjan Cvijic, Iskra Kirova, Bram Dijkstra, Pamela Valenti
Open Society Foundation

Parliament and the people

"The report provides an analysis of the data and digital landscapes of four case study countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa and Uganda), and interrogates how digital channels are being used in those countries to create and disseminate information on parliamentary activity" (Rumbul 2018).

11 October 2018
Rebecca Rumbul
My Society

Sur­viv­ing the Storm: Liberal Democ­racy in Times of Change

"Society is caught up in a whirl­wind of change. The power of liberal democ­ra­cies is dwin­dling and the polit­i­cal balance in the world is shift­ing. An inter­view with Ralf Fücks on what to expect from the renewed grand coali­tion in Germany, and how to defend liberal democ­racy in times of anti-liberal revolt" (Fücks, 2018).

11 October 2018
Ralf Fücks
Zentrum Liberale Moderne

Connections 2018: Experiments in Organizational Innovation

"The 2018 issue of Connections… focuses on experiments in organizational innovation… The issue highlights innovations in organizational forms intended to encourage the development of networks of self-directed experimentation and learning. Some authors explore ways to change the protocols of existing institutions, and others describe designs of new forms of organizations" (Matthews et. al., 2018).

11 October 2018
David Mathews, Janis Foster Richardson, Brad Rourke, Alice Diebel, Cristin F. Brawner, Lisa-Marie Napoli, Byron P. White, Abby Straus, Phillip D. Lurie, Laura Wilson Phelan, Tendai Murisa
Kettering Foundation

World Report 2018

"World Report 2018 summarizes key human rights issues in more than 90 countries and territories worldwide, drawing on events from late 2016 through November 2017" (Human Rights Watch, 2018).

11 October 2018
Human Rights Watch

Annual Report 2018

"This is the 2018 Annual Report for Stichting Greenpeace Council. Stichting Greenpeace Council commonly works under its operational name, Greenpeace International" (Greenpeace 2018).

11 October 2018

Spotlight on Sustainable Development

This report summarizes focuses “on cross-cutting policy reform areas that demonstrate the interlinkages between various SDGs, the need to ‘de-silo’ current policy approaches, and to promote policies that are genuinely coherent in the interest of sustainable development, human rights and gender justice” (Civil Society Reflection Group, 2018).

11 October 2018
social Watch, Third World Network, Global Policy Forum, Arab NGO Network for Development, Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era, Society for International Development, Public Services International, Center for Economic and Social Rights with support from Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.
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