Library of democratic content

Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

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The case for a UN Parliamentary Assembly and the Inter-Parliamentary Union

This paper looks into the relationship between the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the proposed United Nations Parliamentary Assembly (UNPA). It outlines their characteristics and provides an assessment of similarities and differences with special consideration of the IPU’s collaboration with the UN and its capacity to address the UN’s democratic deficit. (Bummel, 2019).

6 February 2019
Andreas Bummel
Democracy without Borders

Crisis In Democracy: Renewing Trust In America

This is the Knight Commission's report on Trust, Media and Democracy from 2019.

4 February 2019
Knight Foundation, The Aspen Institute

Investing in Canadians' Civic Literacy

This report: Clarifies what civic literacy is and does, makes the case for why action on civic literacy is so important explains how difficult it is to measure civic literacy and how levels of civic literacy are not evenly distributed across the population, presents some of the challenges to teaching civic literacy and how unevenly it is taught outside of school and discusses how to proceed, and the need for greater investment from government.

11 January 2019
The Samara Centre of Democracy

What you get for your dollar

“This briefing paper provides an overview of the approach underlying EA” and “concludes that policy makers...must instead concentrate on understanding the confounding structural causes of interdependent global challenges and aim at their long-term solution, within an overarching human rights framework” (Seitz 2019).

11 January 2019
Karolin Seitz
Bischöfliches Hilfswerk MISEREOR, Evangelisches Werk für Diakonie und Entwicklung - Brot für die Welt, Global Policy Forum

Testing the resilience of Europe’s inclusive growth mode

The combination of six global megatrends is increasing the stress on Europe’s inclusive growth and the EU social contract.

12 December 2018
Jacques Bughin, Jan Mischke, Tilman Tacke, Eric Hazan, and Pal Erik Sjatil
McKinsey & Company

100 Ideas for a Freer, Fairer World from 100 Sparks of Hope

These Sparks of Hope are grassroots organisations that embody the change The Elders want to see in the world. Each one tells an inspirational story of how incredible people across the globe are working for peace, health, justice and equality.

11 December 2018
The Elders

Applying artificial intelligence for social good

AI is not a silver bullet, but it could help "tackle some of the world’s most challenging social problems" (Chui et. al., 2018).

28 November 2018
Michael Chui, Martin Harrysson, James Manyika, Roger Roberts, Rita Chung, Pieter Nel, and Ashley van Heteren
McKinsey & Company

Global Democracy for Europeans: A Demographic Story

"Insofar as democracy is a product of long-term diffusion, scholars generally focus on colonialism (especially English) or religion (especially Protestant). Here, we focus on a third pathway from Europe – Europeans. We show that there is a persistent relationship between the share of Europeans in a society and its regime type" (Gerring and Apfeld, 2018).

11 November 2018
John Gerring, Brendan Apfeld
V-Dem Institute

Defending democracy from disinformation, polarization, and tribalism

"This work begins with an international alignment around a set of principles -- the rights and duties of a Digital Democracy Charter. And it makes change through the implementation of an Action Plan -- national strategies that establish rights and responsibilities for the digital future through policy change (Scott 2018).

9 November 2018
Ben Scott

A new social contract for digital democracy

"This study builds off" the authors' "first report—Digital Deceit—which presents an analysis of how the structure and logic of the tracking-and-targeting data economy undermines the integrity of political communications. In the intervening months, the situation has only worsened—confirming our earlier hypotheses—and underlined the need for a robust public policy agenda" (Scott and Ghosh, 2018).

12 October 2018
Ben Scott, Dipayan Ghosh
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