Library of democratic content

Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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Young Adults' News Behaviors and Beliefs

“This report examines trust in media” and “reveals that a majority of young adults are concerned about the impact of news on democracy and unity in the country, expressing that news organizations might divide and polarize citizens” and “are actively hurting democracy” ( John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, 2019).

9 July 2019
Knight Foundation

China and the world: Inside the dynamics of a changing relationship insights/innovation/twelve%20highlights%20from%20our%202020%20research/mgi-yearendinfographic2020-final.pdf?should Index=false

1 July 2019
Jonathan Woetzel, Jeongmin Seong, Nick Leung, Joe Ngai, James Manyika, Anu Madgavkar, Susan Lund
McKinsey & Company

Fighting Far-Right Violence and Hate Crimes

“The purpose of this white paper is to examine how Justice Department policies regarding far-right violence undermine our nation’s security by discounting the safety concerns of American communities victimized by this reactionary violence and official indifference” (German and Mauléon, 2019).

1 July 2019
Michael German, Emmanuel Mauleón
Brennan Center

Opportunities For Strengthening And Leveraging Membership Of The Un Human Rights Council

"Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and the International Service for Human Rights convened a dialogue on 5 February 2019… to discuss opportunities for strengthening and leveraging membership of the UN Human Rights Council. This report and consultation builds on a similar initiative in 2018." (Amnesty International, 2019)

1 July 2019
Amnesty International

Inequality: A persisting challenge and its implications

While the wealth gap has narrowed globally, inequality within advanced economies has increased since the 1980s.

26 June 2019
David Fine, James Manyika, Pal Erik Sjatil, Karim Tadjeddine, Tilman Tacke, and Maggie Desmond
McKinsey & Company

Social Media Monitoring During Elections: Cases and Best Practice to Inform Electoral Observation Missions

"This scoping report explains why social media is one of the elements of a democratic, rule of law–based state that observer groups should monitor. It aggregates experience from diverse civil society and nongovernmental initiatives that are innovating in this field, and sets out questions to guide the development of new mandates for election observers" (Schmuziger Goldzweig et. al., 2019).

11 June 2019
Rafael Schmuziger Goldzweig, Iskra Kirova, Bruno Lupion, Michael Meyer-Resende, and Susan Morgan
Open Society Foundation, Democratic Reporting International

From Enlargement to the Unification of Europe

"The European Union needs to boost the tools of the European Commission... This means creating a directorate general that would have the resources to drive forward the accession process with the Western Balkans countries and the ambitious trade and reform agenda in Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova" (Cvijic et. al., 2019).

11 June 2019
Srdjan Cvijic, Marie Jelenka Kirchner, Iskra Kirova, Zoran Nechev
Open Society Foundation

Global Report: Democracy Beyond the Ballot Box

"This report provides a review of progress made by OGP member countries in the first eight years of the partnership… the report examines a vast amount of the world’s governance data, across multiple dimensions of democracy and openness, specifically looking at three areas of progress and next steps" (Open Government Partnership, 2019).

14 May 2019
Open Government Partnership

‘Tech for Good’: Using technology to smooth disruption and improve well-being

Focusing on innovation, skills, and labor fluidity will be keys to good social outcomes of technology adoption.

14 May 2019
Jacques Bughin, Eric Hazan, Tera Allas, Klemens Hjartar, James Manyika, Pal Erik Sjatil, and Irina Shigina
McKinsey & Company

V-Dem Annual Democracy Report 2019​. Democracy Facing Global Challenges

"Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) produces the largest global dataset on democracy with some 27 million data points for 202 countries from 1789 to 2018." This report details the state of democracy in 2018 and presents data for democratically advancing and declining states around the world and global challenges.

11 May 2019
V-dem Institute
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