Library of democratic content

Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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From Climate Change Awareness to Climate Crisis Action

"This report charts attitudes on the existence, causes, and impact of climate change in Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Poland, Czech Republic, the United Kingdom, and the United States. It also examines public attitudes to a series of policies that the EU and national governments could harness to reduce the damage inflicted by human-made emissions" (Eichhorn, Molthof, and Nicke, 2020).

11 November 2020
Jan Eichhorn, Luuk Molthof, and Sascha Nicke
Open Society Foundation, dpart

Seeing New Opportunities: How Global Actors Can Better Support Anticorruption Reformers

"The actions needed to pass reforms and combat corruption during a window will depend on the political context and history of how the window opened." This study draws on experiences of reformers in South Africa, Guatemala, and Slovakia to present an analytical framework for future action. (Guerzovich, Soledad Gattoni, and Algoso, 2020).

11 November 2020
Florencia Guerzovich, María Soledad Gattoni, Dave Algoso
Open Society Foundation

Feminist Open Government Research Projects

“The Feminist Open Government Initiative is an ambitious attempt to broaden the base of open government support by investing in cutting-edge research from partners in the Global South and a coalition building effort to rally reform champions behind a gender-centric approach to open government” (Open Government Partnership, 2019).

9 November 2020
Africa Freedom of Information Centre, CARE International, Equal Measures 2030, Técnicas Rudas, Oxfam

Joe Biden Won’t Fix America’s Relationships

The author explores after the election of Joseph Biden to the U.S. Presidency how “Serious questions about America’s role in the world will not go away just because Donald Trump was defeated” (Tom McTague, 2020).

7 November 2020
Tom McTague
The Atlantic

2020 Should Be the Last Time We Vote Like This

“The process of registering your democratic preference, the citizen’s core duty in a democracy. Can we take a moment to acknowledge how terribly inefficient, inaccessible, unfair and just plain backward this process remains in the United States?” (Farhad Manjoo, 2020).

4 November 2020
Farhad Manjoo

Coming Storms: The Return of Great-Power War

“Tensions persist among today’s great powers” and China and the United States “are on a collision course fueled by the dynamics of a power transition and their competition for status and prestige, and without a change in direction, war between them in the coming decades is...probable” (Christopher Lane, 2020).

1 November 2020
Christopher Layne
Foreign Affairs

I’m a Democracy Expert. I Never Thought We’d Be So Close to a Breakdown.

“What is the right historical analogy to America’s current crisis? The truth is, there is no precedent. We have never seen such a longstanding democracy in such a rich country break down before — never. But it could happen this year” (Larry Diamond, 2020).

1 November 2020
Larry Diamond

“Whoever Finds the Vaccine Must Share It” Strengthening Human Rights and Transparency Around Covid-19 Vaccines

Strengthening Human Rights and Transparency around Covid-19 Vaccines. (Human Rights Watch, 2020).

29 October 2020
Human Rights Watch

Think Big, Act Small: Elinor Ostrom’s radical vision for community power

"This report draws out Ostrom’s insights for the UK in the context of a growing crisis in the relationship between people and institutions. It adapts and contextualises her work into a new set of practical lessons for ‘self-governance’ – where communities take control over the things that matter to them – and connects these with contemporary examples of community-powered projects in the UK" (Dr. Simon Kaye, 2020).

21 October 2020
Dr Simon Kaye
New Local

New Weapons, Proven Precedent. Elements of and Models for a Treaty on Killer Robots

Fully autonomous weapons would usher in a new era of armed conflict. Also known as lethal autonomous weapons systems or “killer robots,” these systems would select and engage targets without meaningful human control. International law and non-legally binding principles of AI provide precedent for the elements of new treaties. Lessons from the past should be adapted to this emerging technology. (Human Rights Watch, 2020).

20 October 2020
Human Rights Watch
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