Library of democratic content

Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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The Aristotle Address

11 October 2020
Athens Democracy Forum

The Double Threat of European Democracy (sponsored by Facebook)

Democratic values and processes at the heart of Europe have been facing increased pushback, exacerbated by the impact of Covid-19 and restrictions on individual freedoms. As the

Union considers a new action plan to address threats emerging from both the digital

revolution and the pandemic, it's crucial to determine the issues that need stronger legislation

or regulation. How can technology, and technology firms, help deliver on these priorities?

11 October 2020
Athens Democracy Forum

The Age of Citizens

11 October 2020
Athens Democracy Forum

Climate Change, Covid19 and Human Rights (with Council of Europe)

When the world came grinding to a halt this year, climate change – and its causes – were brought into even starker relief. The panel will discuss the importance of climate change as a global event with a global impact. What lessons has the pandemic taught us about what progress might be possible? And what are the implications for human rights?

11 October 2020
Athens Democracy Forum

The United States and Central Europe: A Roadmap for a Democratic Post-Pandemic Agenda

This report examines democratic solidarity as the main principle for success in a post-pandemic world, examining policy on both sides of the Atlantic and in Central Europe related to democratic resilience and democratic cooperation to foster a better world.

11 October 2020
Daniel Fried, Jakub Wiśniewski, Denise Forsthuber, Alena Kudzko
Atlantic Council Europe Center

A Citizen-Centered Theory

Mansbridge argues for “a theory of legitimacy that a) explicitly endorses plural sources of democratic legitimacy, b) acknowledges the aspirational quality of the many democratic ideals that make up this legitimacy, and c) recognizes consequently that democratic legitimacy is always partial” (Mansbridge, 2020).

11 October 2020
Jane Mansbridge
Journal on Deliberative Democracy

Youth and Satisfaction with Democracy

The report “finds that “younger generations have become steadily more dissatisfied with democracy – not only in absolute terms, but also relative to older cohorts at comparable stages of life” and that “countries that have elected populist leaders have seen a recovery in youth satisfaction with democracy.” (Foa, 2020)

11 October 2020
Dr. Roberto Foa
Bennett Institute for Public Policy, University of Cambridge

Africa: Year in Review 2020

"This year’s Africa: Year in Review 2020 is a special edition, marking the fifth year since the launch of the series. The Wilson Center Africa Program continued its annual tradition of asking policymakers, scholars, practitioners, and stakeholders to examine the top developments in Africa and in U.S.-Africa relations for 2020" (Boswell et. al., 2020).

11 October 2020
Alan Boswell, Nii Akuetteh, Judd Devermont & 35 more
Wilson Center

The Business Case for Democracy

This paper “presents a business case for democracy, focusing on the impact of democracy on economic growth... It discusses four factors pertaining to data quality and modelling choices, suggesting that several previous studies have underestimated the growth-benefits of democracy… and the relationship between democracy and economic crises and variation in economic performance" (Henrik Knutsen, 2020).

11 October 2020
Carl Henrik Knutsen
V-Dem Institute

Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2020

The annual Spotlight Report on Sustainable Development is the most comprehensive independent assessment of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and SDGs, co-published by eight international NGOs, networks and trade unions, including the Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR).

11 October 2020
annd, CDES, CESR, Education International, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors, GPF, IEJ, OBSERVATORIO, PSI, Social Watch, SID, Third World Network
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