Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.
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Why social media can’t keep moderating content in the shadows
“Online platforms aren’t transparent about their decisions—which leaves them open to claims of censorship and masks the true costs of misinformation” (Joan Donovan, 2020).
Why the Social Media Rage Machine Won't Stop
If Facebook and Twitter functions “replaced algorithmically tailored and targeted newsfeeds with ones that simply displayed the most recent posts first, the sites would become less enraging — but also less engaging, losing their grip on the attention of users, who may drift away” (Margaret O’Mara, 2020).
State media warning labels can counteract the effects of foreign misinformation
“Platforms are increasingly using transparency... to combat disinformation campaigns. In the case of state-controlled media outlets on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter this has taken the form of labeling their connection to a state...these labels have the ability to mitigate the effects of viewing election misinformation from the Russian media channel RT” (Nassetta and Gross, 2020).
New Weapons, Proven Precedent. Elements of and Models for a Treaty on Killer Robots
Fully autonomous weapons would usher in a new era of armed conflict. Also known as lethal autonomous weapons systems or “killer robots,” these systems would select and engage targets without meaningful human control. International law and non-legally binding principles of AI provide precedent for the elements of new treaties. Lessons from the past should be adapted to this emerging technology. (Human Rights Watch, 2020).
Weakened democracy is another harm caused by Big Tech
“Each day reveals new harms caused by technology companies to democracy and public values...yet lawmakers still turn predominantly to market mechanisms when they seek to bolster the democratic accountability of technology companies...it is time for democratic principles to be safeguarded more explicitly” (Marietje Schaake, 2020).
Garry Kasparov on the need to improve our politics with technology
“Technology races ahead: and “society rushes to embrace it without a plan...politics, in contrast, still plods along. At a time when democratic institutions around the world are fraying...the solution is to borrow from the ethos of technological progress and instil innovation into our democracy and political processes” (Garry Kasparov, 2020).
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