
Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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Out Of Control: Failing Eu Laws For Digital Surveillance Export

"This report gives evidence of the gaps in the current European Union (EU) export regulation framework for digital surveillance technologies and provides the EU institutions and its member states with actionable recommendations to improve the protections of human rights in the upcoming Recast Dual Use Regulation." (Amnesty International, 2020)

21 September 2020
Amnesty International

The Shrinking Space for Media Freedom in Southeast Europe

“The report examines the impact of the coronavirus crisis on press independence in Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia and Albania” by assessing “domestic politics and societal developments, foreign authoritarian media interference, technology and social media” (Filipova, 2020).

11 September 2020
Dr. Rumena Filipova
Center for the Study of Democracy

How Media Habits Relate To Voter Participation

"This study reveals new insights into the media habits of American non-voters, and uncovers how their information diets might impact their democratic participation. This new analysis is instructive for those seeking to foster a more informed and engaged citizenry" (Holcomb, Hartson, and Bone, 2020).

7 September 2020
Jesse Holcomb, Taylor Hartson, Matthew Bone
Knight Foundation

Stopping Killer Robots Country Positions on Banning Fully Autonomous Weapons and Retaining Human Control.

"This report shows how 97 countries have responded to the challenge of "Killer Robots" and elaborated their views on lethal autonomous weapons systems since the matter was first discussed at the Human Rights Council in 2013.[5] It surveys where these countries stand on calls to ban fully autonomous weapons and retain meaningful human control over the use of force." (Human Rights Watch, 2020)

10 August 2020
Human Rights Watch

Ιndicators of News Media Trust

News media “has suffered from a decline in public confidence... A key question... is whether that trust is lost for good….Gallup asked a representative sample of U.S. adults to discuss key factors that make them trust, or not trust, news media organizations” (American Academy of Art & Sciences, 2020).

5 August 2020
Knight Foundation

American Views 2020: Trust, Media And Democracy

"At a time when factual, trustworthy information is especially critical to public health and the future of our democracy, the striking trends documented here are cause for concern. American Views offers new insights into how the public is responding to these challenges in their own media consumption and their thoughts about how to address them" (Knight Foundation, 2020).

3 August 2020
Knight Foundation

American Views 2020: Trust, Media and Democracy

“The low levels of public trust in the nation's polarized media environment have left open the possibility for dangerous false narratives to take root” and…”the striking trends documented in these pages are cause for concern” (American Academy of Art & Sciences, 2020).

31 July 2020
Knight Foundation, Gallup

Does Zuckerberg Understand How the Right to Free Speech Works?

“Far too often Mr. Zuckerberg has chosen to allow posts spewing bigotry and lies to remain on Facebook in the name of free speech. Now, a thorough and damning audit of the company, two years in the making and solicited by Facebook, confirms those fears” (Greg Bensinger, 2020).

7 July 2020
Greg Bensinger

Facebook Can't Be Reformed

“What is most dangerous about W.K.W.H.M.W.T.D. is that it glosses over the fundamental structural flaws in the platform. The architecture of the social network...will always produce more objectionable content at a dizzying scale” (Charlie Warzel, 2020).

30 June 2020
Charlie Warzel

What Facebook and the Oil Industry Have in Common

“Facebook’s core business is to get as many people as possible to spend as many hours as possible on its site, so that it can sell those people’s attention to advertisers...this notion of core business explains a lot—including why it’s so hard to make rapid gains in the fight against climate change” (Bill McKibben, 2020).

30 June 2020
Bill McKibben
The New Yorker
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