Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.
Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content. Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.
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Displaying results 161 to 167 out of 167
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Political Discource in the "Post-Truth" Era
In an age of widespread voter mistrust and suspicion of “the establishment,” who can be trusted to tell the truth about important issues - the politicians or the media?
The Challenge of Cybersecurity
The digital age has put our lives out on the marketplace, and we have begun to push back.
Where is the line between privacy and cybersecurity? Who decides how much access governments should have to our data? Who owns the information about us that is out there forever?
Policy Recommendations: Internet Freedom
Freedom House provides a set of recommendations for action to bolster and strengthen democracy and internet freedom, including examining the future of privacy, free expression, and democratic governance in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and rising authoritarianism around the world. (Freedom House, n.d.).
Disrupting Democracy Vol. II
"This publication is divided into five chapters, one for each case study (Italy, Mexico, Latvia, and the United States, plus a chapter of polling data. Within each chapter, you'll find..an "outsider's" perspective on the case study and analysis and potential solutions to the challenges highlighted in part one." (Bertelsmann Foundation, n.d.)
Disrupting Democracy Vol. I
"This publication is divided into six chapters: five case studies (India, Cuba, the United States, Israel and Germany), and an appendix of online polling data from each case study…. Within each chapter, there is an "outsider's" perspective on the case study…; and an analysis and potential solutions” (Disrupting Democracy)." (Bertelsmann Foundation, n.d.)
Displaying results 161 to 167 out of 167
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