
Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

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Techlash? America’s Growing Concern With Major Technology Companies

"In a series of new reports, Gallup and Knight Foundation explore the shifting landscape and how policymakers and technology companies might adapt to face evolving challenges concerning a host of issues, including how to control the spread of misleading and harmful content as well as false political ads online" (Knight Foundation, 2020).

16 June 2020
Knight Foundation, Gallup

The Future Of Tech Policy: American Views

"In a series of new reports, Gallup and Knight Foundation explore the shifting landscape and how policymakers and technology companies might adapt to face evolving challenges concerning a host of issues, including how to control the spread of misleading and harmful content as well as false political ads online" (Knight Foundation, 2020).

16 June 2020
Knight Foundation, Gallup

Experts Predict More Digital Innovation by 2030 Aimed at Enhancing Democracy

“In this new report, technology experts who shared serious concerns for democracy in a recent Pew Research Center canvassing weigh in with their views about the likely changes and reforms that might occur in the coming years” (Vogels, Rainie and Anderson, 2021).

11 June 2020
Emily A. Vogels, Lee Rainie, Janna Anderson
Pew Research Center

Big Tech and Covid 19

“With recent calls for nationalising Amazon during lockdown, and the weaponisation of Facebook amidst the spread of the 5G conspiracy theory, the coronavirus pandemic has accelerated the heightened power that big tech holds” (Williams and Forooha, 2020).

31 May 2020
Rana Foroohar

Free Expression, Harmful Speech, and Censorship in a Digital World

Freedom of expression brings the spread of “false, offensive, harmful” content. “As more aspects of our lives increasingly move online, we must contend with operating in a digital public square owned by private entities...where freedom of expression falls...under emergent standards being shaped by technology companies” (Knight Foundation, 2020).

31 May 2020
Knight Foundation, Gallup

Reconstructing American News: Investing In The Transformation Of Journalistic Processes And Power Relations To Strengthen Civil Society

In a sort of return “to the trauma of the late '60s, with a pandemic added...Newsrooms across the nation are...having fierce internal debates about what constitutes good coverage and staffing”. Preparedness for “these conversations often relies on the level of transparency and...innovation” (Clark and Donnelly, 2020).

31 May 2020
Jessica Clark, Katie Donnelly
Ford Foundation

Contact Tracing Versus Civil Liberties

“Contact-tracing apps pose major concerns for liberties and privacy. Even though such tools may be necessary to track the spread of the coronavirus, the fear that Big Tech companies will misuse individuals’ data is especially pronounced given past ethical breaches and the current lack of transparency in how our data is being used” (Thomas Recchio, 2020).

25 May 2020
Thomas Recchio
American Prospect

COVID-19 Isn’t the Only Threat to Privacy

“Even before the coronavirus pandemic, political campaigns, in particular, were engaged in a digital arms race to gather as much information about citizens’ whereabouts, habits, and beliefs as possible. That competition continues apace as the U.S. presidential election nears. Now, the pandemic risks normalizing and legitimizing these invasive practices” (Joseff and Woolley, 2020).

22 May 2020
Katie Joseff and Samuel Woolley
Foreign Affairs

How big tech plans to profit from the pandemic

"As the coronavirus continues to kill thousands each day, tech companies are seizing the opportunity to extend their reach and power" (Klein, 2020)

13 May 2020
Naomi Klein

The Bio Revolution: Innovations transforming economies, societies, and our lives

"Advances in biological sciences, combined with the accelerating development of computing, data processing, and artificial intelligence (AI), are fueling a new wave of innovation… This report describes the potential scope and scale of this wave of innovation and highlights the profound risks that will need to be managed" (Chui et. al., 2020).

13 May 2020
Michael Chui, Matthias Evers, James Manyika, Alice Zheng, and Travers Nisbet
McKinsey & Company
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