
Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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The Power of Belief

Are religion and ideology obstacles or guiding lights in a democracy? They can be powerful

forces for good in the pursuit of higher morals, in the care for the poor, in the promotion of

civil society. The moral and ethical principles of liberal democracy derive from religion, and

shared identities can give people a sense of community and purpose. But religion and, more

recently, identity politics can also be forces for coercion, abuse of the weak, terror, intolerance

and war. Where is the balance in the modern world?

11 October 2020
Athens Democracy Forum

We and Them

Far from diminishing, ethnic, national and religious tribalism is on the rise, feeding intolerance, exclusion, populism and conflict. Why are the ideals of multiculturalism and inclusion so elusive, and so often held in disdain?

11 October 2019
Athens Democracy Forum

Is Liberal Democracy Compatible with Religion?

The time-honored principles in liberal democracies on the separation of church and state and on

freedom of worship is challenged by devout believers who disagree with civic dress codes, or

same-sex marriage, or military duty

11 October 2016
Athens Democracy Forum

Islamist ideology

Islamist extremists have proclaimed Western democracies as their mortal enemy, and have devised new weapons to impose their ideology and to draw recruits.

The beheadings of ISIS, the slaughter at Charlie Hebdo, the allure of Jihad: how has this happened? What can be done about it?


11 October 2015
Athens Democracy Forum
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