Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.
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The Biggest Risk to This Election Is Not Russia. It’s Us.
“Americans must recognize that the United States is ripe for manipulation. With a month to go before Election Day, we are ripping ourselves apart” (Fiona Hill, 2020).
American's Plastic Hour is Upon Us
“Eventually, the country will need a sane and healthy Republican Party. But for any kind of national renewal to take place, the Republicans must first suffer a crushing defeat in November...it will take more than the triumph of a candidate, a party, or even a sweeping agenda...we have to revive...democratic faith” (George Packer, 2020).
The exchange between citizens and elected officials: a social psychological framework for citizen climate activists
The authors here “conducted a study with citizen activists who lobby the US Congress for a carbon pricing policy to address climate change” to see “how activists think about four social psychological approaches: affirmation, social norms, legacy and immediacy” (SHERMAN, D., SHTEYN, M., HAN, H., & VAN BOVEN, L. (2020)).
Innovative strategies for the reception of asylum seekers and refugees in European cities: multi-level governance, multi-sector urban networks and local engagement
The authors explore the role of cities in solving global challenges by analyzing multi-level governance and local initiatives in European cities.
Democracy Erodes from the Top: Public Opinion and the Crisis of Democracy in Europe
Larry M. Bartels argues that “culpability for Europe’s current crisis of democracy...lies overwhelmingly with political elites”, using analysis that summarizes “broad trends in European public opinion” and examining “the two most prominent examples of democratic “backsliding” in contemporary Europe” in Hungary and Poland (Larry M. Bartels, September 2020).
A Democratic Doomsday?
“For years, liberal democracies have been beset by deepening political polarization, declining confidence in the rule of law, and widespread institutional decay. With the COVID-19 crisis accelerating these trends, the need for a clear strategy to defend liberal democracy has become more urgent than ever” (Ana Palacio, 2020).
Populism Will Survive The Pandemic
“The conclusion that populists’ shambolic handling of this crisis must be bad for populism as a whole is ultimately flawed...it ignores the fact that populism has been a permanent feature of modern democratic politics...even if leaders the likes of Trump and Bolsonaro were to lose power, that wouldn’t necessarily mean their exit from politics” (Yasmeen Serhan, 2020).
You Have Awakened a Sleeping Giant
“This moment is unlike any in recent Thai history. A new generation of activists has moved from expressing coded criticism of the monarchy to publicly calling for wholesale reform” (Tom Felix Joehnk and Matt Wheeler, 2020).
Why Democracy Thrives in Some Places and Not Others
“Two common beliefs about democracy are that it began in ancient Athens and, on spreading from there, remained peculiarly Western. David Stasavage, a professor of politics at New York University, finds both views mistaken. Without them, he thinks it will be easier to get hopes and fears for present-day democracy into better perspective and balance” (The Economist, 2020).
Elevating Women Peacebuilders amidst Covid-19
This brief examines womens’ role in peacebuilding and the Women, Peace, and Security agenda highlighting how the participation of women in peace processes is essential to the durability and quality of post-conflict peace in the context of Covid-19 and womens’ leadership during the pandemic" (Yayboke and Abdullah, 2020).
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