Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.
Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content. Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.
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Weakened democracy is another harm caused by Big Tech
“Each day reveals new harms caused by technology companies to democracy and public values...yet lawmakers still turn predominantly to market mechanisms when they seek to bolster the democratic accountability of technology companies...it is time for democratic principles to be safeguarded more explicitly” (Marietje Schaake, 2020).
Garry Kasparov on the need to improve our politics with technology
“Technology races ahead: and “society rushes to embrace it without a plan...politics, in contrast, still plods along. At a time when democratic institutions around the world are fraying...the solution is to borrow from the ethos of technological progress and instil innovation into our democracy and political processes” (Garry Kasparov, 2020).
The United States and Central Europe: A Roadmap for a Democratic Post-Pandemic Agenda
This report examines democratic solidarity as the main principle for success in a post-pandemic world, examining policy on both sides of the Atlantic and in Central Europe related to democratic resilience and democratic cooperation to foster a better world.
A Citizen-Centered Theory
Mansbridge argues for “a theory of legitimacy that a) explicitly endorses plural sources of democratic legitimacy, b) acknowledges the aspirational quality of the many democratic ideals that make up this legitimacy, and c) recognizes consequently that democratic legitimacy is always partial” (Mansbridge, 2020).
Digital Minilateralism: How Governments Cooperate on Digital Governance
The authors find that “leaders should consider engaging digital minilateralism as a method of international cooperation” that can shape “how individual governments learn, adopt, and govern the use of new and emerging technologies, and how they create common or aligned policy.” (Dr. Tanya Filer and Dr. Antonio Weiss, 2020).
OECD: Innovative Citizen Participation and New Democratic Institutions
"It is the first empirical comparative study that analyses how representative deliberative processes (such as Citizens’ Assemblies and Juries) are being used for public decision making around the world.” … the OECD has identified twelve distinct models of deliberative processes, evaluated what a ‘successful’ process entails, developed good practice principles, explored routes to institutionalizing citizen deliberation" (OECD, 2020).
Seeking a New Relationship with Communities: How Local Elected Officials Want to Bridge Divides, Distrust, and Doubts
"The four key findings shared in this report show that many leaders are seeking a relationship with their community members, they worry about barriers to deeper community connection and about a diminished civic spirit, they are experimenting with new approaches to… deepen engagement, etc" (Miller and Taylor, 2020).
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