Library of democratic content

Our curated library is packed full of knowledge, know-how and best practices in the fields of democracy and culture.

Read the latest on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other critical world events in our library of democratic content.  Gathered from trusted international sources, the curated library brings you a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces and more on democracy and culture to keep you updated.



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One Year Later, We Still Have No Plan to Prevent the Next Pandemic

Destroying ecosystems and the environment “ is the only truly sustainable vaccine against the next pandemic. In other words, it’s time that we stop looking for intelligent life on Mars and start manifesting it here on planet earth” (Friedman 2021).

16 March 2021
Thomas L. Friedman
The New York Times

What Conspiracy Theorists Don’t Believe

Concerning conspiracy theories, “When someone has dismissed the obvious facts, repeating them will not persuade him to see sense. But when people are given time and space to explain themselves, they may start to spot the gaps in their own knowledge or arguments” (Tim Hartford, 2021).

16 March 2021
Tim Harford
The Atlantic

Green Markets Won’t Save Us

“Although markets are uniquely powerful mechanisms for conveying information and altering behavior, they are ultimately social systems that rest on incomplete and ever-shifting foundations. That makes them an unreliable guide for navigating a problem as large and complex as climate change” (Katharina Pistor, 2021).

16 March 2021
Katharina Pistor
Project Syndicate

The Real Guardrails of Democracy Are Its Citizens

“A citizenry with less interest in power than in preserving democracy is the safeguard of last resort...the problem of polarization in the United States began not with voters but with political elites who drove their bases to extremes. The more directly responsive government can be made to the people, the safer democracy will be” (Jonathan Schlefer, 2021).

15 March 2021
Jonathan Schlefer
Foreign Affairs

The Misinformation Campaign Was Distinctly One-Sided

“Tech companies...recognize that inaction toward certain crucial types of misinformation puts them at greater risk of regulation...yet, if any single platform acts too forcefully, it risks provoking the wrath of the hyper-partisan influencers...Social-media companies find themselves in the position of having to act decisively and collectively—and yet, collective action begets further allegations of collusion” (Renée DiResta, 2021).

15 March 2021
Renée diResta
The Atlantic

How to Renew America's Democracy

“The task of fixing America’s democracy enmeshes both voting in the Senate and voting in the country at large. When politics is infected by bad faith, that can make the situation worse. If the rules of politics became the main field of combat, the system itself could come to seem even more illegitimate to voters” (The Economist, 2021).

13 March 2021
The Economist

Trump and the Trapped Country

“If the fear behind the strongman thesis was the eclipse of democracy, we still have reason for concern—less because of a tyrant looming on the right than because of a paralysis of political agency across the board. The signal quality of Trump’s Presidency was not how unusual it was but how emblematic it was” (Corey Robin, 2021).

13 March 2021
Corey Robin
The New Yorker

Europe Turns Toward Citizen Engagement

“U.S. President Joe Biden is seeking to gather like-minded nations into a geopolitical club defined not by what democracy is, can be or must become, but by what it is not. Yet, while all authoritarian states are undemocratic, all democracies are troubled in their own ways” (Nathan Gardels, 2021).

12 March 2021
Nathan Gardels
Noema Magazine

Beyond Ego and Alter: Enlarged Democratic Deliberation

“This article addresses a specific objection to deliberative democracy” that argues “deliberative democracy is a naive project, impotent in the face of the dynamics of power prevailing in real politics” and counters that “ deliberative democracy can increase its effectiveness in the face of actors who...reject democratic deliberation” (Piromalli, 2021).

11 March 2021
Eleonora Piromalli
Journal on Deliberative Democracy

Populism, nationalism and revisionist foreign policy

“This article introduces a framework for mapping the effects of populism and nationalism in foreign policy”, and “concludes that nationalism has greater destructive effects for the international system when combined with populism.” (International Affairs, Volume 97, Issue 2, March 2021, Pages 323–343).

11 March 2021
Erin K. Jenne
CEU Democracy Institute, Center European University
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